Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Costume Fun

We are not much of a Halloween family however if we were...
these are some fun costumes we would wear as a family.
Enjoy your Halloween, candy, trick and treats and be safe!!!

Cute costumes for the whole family!

DIY - Family Costumes
Family Halloween costumes

Halloween costumes family by diane.smith
family costumes

Question of the Day:
What are you dressing up for Halloween?
What has been your best costume ever?

Don't forget to enter my Birthday Giveaway here!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Perfect Storm??

I've been watching the news since yesterday about Hurricane Sandy 
and they have all sorts of monikers for it  including the perfect storm...
I am not sure how you can refer to something
 so devastating as perfect but i am sure there is a meteorology association to it i don't understand.  Nevertheless, Sandy has been anything but perfect for many in the Northeast.

We are praying for all those that were affected in such big ways.

NYC, New Jersey, Queens, Brooklyn especially...
seeing all the devastation is so sad.
I can only remind myself that again God is in the midst because it could have been much worse.

I can't even imagine experiencing the snowstorms in 
West Virginia, flood, the fires, trees falling down & wires coming down.

The Hudson River swells and rises over the banks of the  waterfront in Hoboken, New Jersey

All I can do is pray for those that are affected today.
This morning, my family and i are safe.
My friends and extended family are safe.
We are never promised tomorrow but today i am glad we are here.

Another thing, there is a lot going on BUT don't forget to get out and vote...
I feel like when a country faces devastation is when government is most useful.
And when Leaders are tested and made.

This post is meant to send prayers and encouragement to those affected by the storm 
but also to encourage others to exercise their civil duty and vote!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Babylogues: Celebrating Month 2

I can't believe i am posting your 2months updates...
time is flying but you know what we are enjoying every single second with you.
Including our late night feeding sessions...
We truly enjoy having you in our lives.
You complete us in so many different ways!

We are going to your 2month appointment on Tuesday so i will update.

But you have grown in every single way!

We still love to cuddle with you.
But this seems you will actually come in for a cuddle and that is the cutest thing ever.
You are just so sweet when you do.
I take a million and one pictures of you cuddling to me daily.
We met some of my co-workers this week and they couldn't help but admire you
and say, "he is just so cuddly."
And you truly are.
I hope you never grow out of this cuddling phase.

I think we've mastered BREASTFEDING.
You still get quite excited when feeding and will pull on mommy sometimes
but I have learned to prevent this from happening which is great.
We were doing breastmilk and formula but then
you had constipation so for the past week...
we've only been doing breast milk and you seem to be doing well.
I was a little worried that you might starve but your auntie insists...
the books says you will get exactly what you need.
This is reassuring and makes mommy feel good about this.
I am still pumping so daddy can feed you too...
I am praying for the day when i will get more than 4oz in one pump session.
I am trying to remain calm and peaceful in order to get more milk.
Oh i am also drinking lots of fluids including:
water, gingerale, apple juice and Organic Mother's Milk tea.

Sometimes you sleep like a grown person...

Well there was that one time you cried for over two hours straight
because you didn't want to lay in your crib swaddled up.
I became upset and just cried while holding you.
You eventually settled down and slept a little but the next day...
we were back to you crying and crying.
We noticed you LOVED to sleep on our chest and we debated
about doing this but we went against the doctor's advise and put you to sleep on your chest.
And with God's have been able to sleep on
your chest for almost a month now and that's a blessing!  I am constantly worried about you
but i noticed you are able to hold your neck up without any issues.
You are sleeping so much better since you started sleeping on your belly.
I am not sure if you will ever sleep on your back again but we will continue to try as you get older.
You have a hard time falling asleep because you would rather play possum while feeding but eventually you will settle down and only wake up once in the middle of the night between 3:00am-4:00am.
The one thing i worry about while sleeping is that you are a mover.
I put you in the middle of the bed and when you wake are at the edge of the crib.
We pray every night for God's Angels to be with you every night and day!!  
You love your Winnie The Pooh Lounger! 

Initially we were using disposal diapers.

I tried the cloth diapers and they leaked so i was  a little disappointed.
But then with some encouragement from your Auntie who is a pro at cloth diapering...i tried again.  And i realized you remained dry when we appropriately positioned the diaper...who would have thought it.
We have been doing it now for about two weeks and it's going great.
We have a good rotation going and so far so good.
 I thought it would be difficult to clean but it's not.
And i feel like it's better for your skin.
You haven't had a diaper rash except for the time your grandma advised
to put diaper rash cream on you as a preventive measure...clearly you were allergic to it.

You've taken a few baths in the sink but nowadays you take a shower in your baby tub!

You finally met Granny (96years)...she is sooo in love with you.
While she was holding were quietly looking at was just so beautiful to see.
She is a little bit older than you.
We calculated it and she celebrated 1,152months.
She has you beat on your 2months little man.  
You also met your pat. grandma and she had an awesome time with you.
We are going to Canada this Christmas so you will see the rest of my family.
You were introduced to some of my co-workers and they were so excited to finally meet you.
They couldn't get enough....and threatened me i can't return to work without you!!

Baby Milestones
I try NOT to get too anal about the baby milestones (according to the BabyCenter App)

 but thankfully you are meeting all of them at this stage so mommy is grateful.
You are lifting your head, interacting with us, 
have facial and verbal recognition of your dad and I,
 you are smiling more and more.
Engage with your toys in your playyard...
you have a pretty tight grip.
You are cooing and aahing...and when I have conversations with you...
you will engage with your coos and aahs.  It's the best thing ever!
We talk, sing and laugh everyday and you seem to enjoy these moments.
We probably need to start listening to more music.

Fun Facts
**Daddy changed you and forgot to put your diaper on.  LOLz....
he realized this after he lifted you up and realized you felt a little too light!!!
**You have started to smile more now.
**You are interacting more and more with us.
**You recognize us and if we are not cry...secretly mommy loves this.
***you are still wearing 0-3clothes and you still fit some of your newborn clothes...
although they are a little snug!
***you are getting chubbier by the day and your cheeks are just so kissable...
we give you a million kisses a day!

**you and mommy went for a drive by ourselves and we did well...
you cried a few times but you were able to soothe yourself to sleep...
i was so worried i would have to pull over.
**Visiting Granny was a lot of fun...
we had to stop a few times so mommy could feed you in the car.
**you have been smiling more
**you have been cooing and aahing more...which is the best thing...
especially when we talk to respond....CUTEness!
**We went to the mall and you LOVED it...all those lights!!!

Looking Ahead:
Playing longer in your playard
Listening and singing more songs.
Attending Church.
Producing more breast milk
Mommy going back to work (BOOBOO!!!)
Continual growth and development in every single way!

Friday, October 26, 2012

My Birthday Gift for You...


And i am because today is my birthday!
And I'm going to party like it's my birthday
(cue 50cent song)


Pinned Image

So far it's been an awesome birthday.
The BFF got me the most amazing gift...
a personalized picture frame with Baby Pancakes name and birth's the cutest ever!
Lots of great birthday wishes...which are always nice.

And Mr. Pancakes started off my birthday last night with a game of 
Let's Make a Deal...
i am currently obsessed with that show.
Anywho I passed up on some awesome gifts including:
 Shopping Spree, 
Panera Bread Gift Certificate, 
A Month of Sushi
 and a surprise Apple Product 
all a chance at the big deal which ended up being Life Coaching
 (whomp whomp!!!)
Leave it up to my hubby to come up with that idea!!  
Needless to say it's be a fun birthday leading up to my actual birth day...
which is TODAY!

I am not sure what Mr. Pancakes has planned 
for the rest of my birthday BUT whatever he has planned...
I know it will be AWESOME!

But honestly as you may have already guessed....the best gift of all is my family.
With Baby Pancakes and Mr. Pancakes...
I truly have everything i will ever need in this world!

Which brings me to my birthday gift for you...
Last year i had a blast sharing my birthday fun 
with you and i thought i would continue the tradition.

So here goes...
You have a chance to win a $20 gift certificate 
from Panera or get to decide!

You have 3 chances to win.  
All you need to do is:
Be a follower
Follow me on Twitter (@mrspancakes2011)
& Tell me what you did (or will be doing) for your birthday this year!

I hope you enter because who doesn't love a free gift on a birthday!
Oh and i will be drawing the winner the old fashion way....from a bowl!!!
(i didn't have time to figure out the electronic raffle thingy...maybe next year)

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Celebrating 18 Months of Love

I definitely have mommy brain 
because I forgot to post about Team Pancakes' anniversary on 10/23/2012 
That's what happens when a baby comes into the picture 
and that's alright because in celebrating our love, we also celebrate Baby Pancakes. 

I can't believe it's been 18 months of love. 
So much has happened in that time and it's beautiful. 
We will have a two month old on Sunday and that's insane.
 Having a baby has changed us individually and collectively 
(because now we are mom and dad)
 but the change has been so positive! 

We are in love with the little man
 and are so happy to watch him grow and develop. 
We sometimes watch Baby Pancakes while he is sleeping 
and wake and are just in awe of him!! 
He truly adds to our joy in abundance.
I wish that kind of joy for everyone....

As much as our loves revolve around Baby Pancakes...
on our anniversary I'm reminded about the importance of us as a couple.
 I cannot forget the reasons why we got married in the first place and had Baby Pancakes. 
Baby Pancakes is the physical manifestation of our love and it is such a blessing.   

Our "we" time is important so during the day we remember
 to kiss, lots of cuddle time, high fives 
and just love on each other with appreciative and encouraging words.

 We have date night every week by watching Shark Tank. 
During the week, we try and spend quality time
 by watching other shows together that makes as laugh. 
We talk all the time as usual...
Reminisce about the past, 
talk in amazement about the present 
and dream about our future as a family.

We go for walks with Baby Pancakes 
and have even been out on dates to restaurants as a family of three.

 Love has changed for the better as we celebrate 18 months of Love...
I am in love with my husband more today because of the wonderful father he is.
But then i always knew he would be an amazing father...

Happy 18 months is to many many more months and years!!!

Hand in hand we walk in Love Always!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Crazy Twitter...

Good morning ladies...I'm blogging this using my iPhone so forgive the mistakes. Apparently Twitter accounts have been hacked or there is a virus and my account was one of them. I have not sent anyone an email with some crazy message. I've received a couple myself. Will be working on this shortly. Does anyone know what to suggestion I got was to change my password. Any other suggestions? The age of can be a blessing but also a curse!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Falling In Love with Baby Series: Quiana

Falling in Love with My Baby
By Quiana Agbai, Harlem Love Birds

When I first saw the title of this guest-post series I thought of my other baby – 

my husband and the harsh reality of displacement
that often happens when a newborn arrives. 
I have to admit, I gave my husband a very hard time 
during those first few post-partum weeks. 
Thinking back on it I cringe. 
I seriously felt like a mama bear ready to 
attack anyone at moment’s notice and since 
he was in close proximity he received the brunt of my fury.

I instantly felt a bond with Nia, my now 2 year old daughter, 
when she was born and yes, I loved her 
but I definitely waned in the feeling of “being in love” at times
during my recovery from my 4th degree tear 
and frustration with learning how to breastfeed. 

Falling in love with my baby and falling in love 
with my husband definitely had similarities 
and I often wonder if we were all in love 
with each other at some point.
I imagine our ships of love passing each other. 
As my father told me with romantic love and relationships,
a couple is rarely on the same percentage level of love
and contribution to the partnership at any given time

I see this truth being played out even now with my baby especially. 
As her personality developed and she moved
from being a little blob (and I mean that in an endearing way!)
to having a full blown personality and reminding me of myself in the process,
I’ve found myself falling in love with her and the little person she’s becoming.
And isn’t that our goal in parenthood - to help our children reach adulthood successfully?

When I see glimpses of myself in her and quirks 
that make me thinks she’s bit crazy (but always cute) 
I feel an overwhelming sense of love for her – actually being in love with her.
I say to myself, “Nia is going to be one special woman someday!”
I may not like her tomorrow when she has a rough time
as we’re  presently undergoing potty training 
or I trip over her spilled blocks for the umpteenth time
although I told her to put them away, but I do know 
that I am in a continual ebb and flow of falling in (and out of) love with my baby.


Thank you Quiana, i am inspired reading this and cannot wait
 to continue falling in love with Baby Pancakes.
If you don't know Quiana and her lovely family (Nia is adorable btw)...
hurry on over and check her out:

Monday, October 22, 2012

Baby Pancakes Says...

Hello Mommy's Friends...
i wanted to share with you how my weekend went...
(i live for the weekends--don't you too?)

This weekend was a little not so happy for me...
I had some stomach issues (mommy says it's constipation)
but mommy called Grandma got some direction
and now I'm coming around. 
Thanks Grandma, mom and dad for looking out for me always! was a great weekend
Here is what we did....

We enjoyed some of the fresh outdoors,

 I like being pushed around in my cozy...
i usually fall asleep but this weekend i was enjoying the views.


I watched football with my dad (aka: Daddy Pancakes). 
 I am only allowed to watch some TV on the weekends so I'm glad it's football. 
 I like it because there is so much going on all the time..this is fun for me...lots of stimulation.

We went out to a restaurant and i was very well behaved.
Mom brought along my going out formula just in case..
I wasn't allowed to eat the yummy grown up food..maybe after i turn 1!

Daddy had something called looked real interesting..
I wonder if i will like it someday?!

Sunday Grandpa came to visit and i always enjoy having him...
he spoils me by holding me the whole entire time he is here even when i am sleeping!

Overall, it was a great weekend....
here is my view from the stroller...
told you i was awake during our walk...

Have a fun Monday!

Oh yeah...

Question of the Day:
What did you do for fun this past weekend?


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Girl On Fire

Hope you are enjoying your Sunday.
We are about to settle in for a day of football
 but i thought i would share my favorite song right now.

Girl on love love this song. 

Despite the fact that Alicia Keys is not my current favorite person 
because allegedly she stole someone's husband got knocked up and married him...
I'm in love with this song because the girl can sing!

The song makes me want to dance and sing whenever it comes on!
And the video is pretty cute too...

Sing along now...

She's just a girl, and she's on fire
Hotter than a fantasy, longer like a highway
She's living in a world, and it's on fire
Feeling the catastrophe, but she knows she can fly away

Oh, she got both feet on the ground
And she's burning it down
Oh, she got her head in the clouds
And she's not backing down

This girl is on fire
This girl is on fire
She's walking on fire
This girl is on fire

Looks like a girl, but she's a flame
So bright, she can burn your eyes
Better look the other way
You can try but you'll never forget her name
She's on top of the world
Hottest of the hottest girls say

Oh, we got our feet on the ground
And we're burning it down
Oh, got our head in the clouds
And we're not coming down

This girl is on fire
This girl is on fire
She's walking on fire
This girl is on fire

Everybody stands, as she goes by
Cause they can see the flame that's in her eyes
Watch her when she's lighting up the night
Nobody knows that she's a lonely girl
And it's a lonely world
But she gon' let it burn, baby, burn, baby

This girl is on fire
This girl is on fire
She's walking on fire
This girl is on fire

Oh, oh, oh...

She's just a girl, and she's on fire

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Spooky Stuff...

I had a great day out today but i will share more on that later...
in the meantime

I just finished watching some episodes of the Long Island Medium 
after seeing her on Anderson Live and i am like 

Long Island Medium

If you've never heard of her...she is a Psychic Medium...
in lamest terms she can communicate with people who've passed.  
I don't know if i believe BUT man she is for real...
With Halloween just around the's a little spooky 
for me but apparently she helps many people 
looking for peace and comfort from their loved ones.

Question of the Day:
Have you heard of you believe?
Or is she just spooky?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Social Media Consumption

Good Day's hump day!!
Baby Pancakes is napping and so i thought i would have some fun on blogger.
Don't worry...i did the laundry last night :-)

I was never one to be obsessed overly consumed with Social Media.
And the question of whether the consumption of social media
 is good for you or not is not the topic of this blog post.  
Rather the question is, which social media do i understand and enjoy using???!

Here goes..
I never got into Facebook like most people...

Face Book

i have an account because i wanted to reconnect 
with some high school friends and once i did...
the allure of Facebook was gone.
I never understood Facebook like most people did....
and i am thinking of deleting my account because
 i believe they are selling my information to companies 
because i have received mail from companies i am not affiliated with.

I never had a space on Myspace....i never really understood that one either.
And wasn't Myspace only for musicians??

Pinterest en Pinterest

Pinterest is another obsession but i hardly ever go on
 unless it's to find some cute picture to go with my blog post.
(all the pictures in this blog post are from Pinterest)  
There are tons of stuff on there and honestly 
my attention span most times cannot take everything's too much.  
So needless to say...i am not much of a Pinterested person (if i can use the word that way).

Tumblr...i always thought was for cool, artistic and interesting people like my nephew.  
I also don't get Tumblr and don't have an account on there.
And the #notes thing throws me used to #comments!


Instagram...that came out of nowhere and has 
definitely taken over the world of photo sharing...
although instagraming is fun
 ( i do have an account although only my cool, artistic and interesting nephew has access to it)
 i am too afraid to share too many personal pictures for fear
 that others could use it inappropriately.  
But i do enjoy instagraming my pictures even if only one other person will see it!

And then there is Twitter


...the fact that twitter is supposed to challenge us to share very little things about ourselves 
(in 140 characters) has definitely taken on a life of its own.  
No one actually shares what they have to share with JUST 140characters...
because there are now more ways to share....with photo, 
link to an article and so much more that i don't understand.

And of course there are so much more social media outlets out there that i probably don't know...
and will never know because i am far from being cool, artistic and interesting 
(all in one combination anyway...i can be all those adjectives separately)

This post really is to speak to all the social media opportunities 
consumption out there and how i don't understand or get most of them. 

Although i must say i do have a tiny crush on Twitter right now.  
I am spending more time on there and it's fun...
 Because all my friends from blogland are on there too!!!  
And also it's fun because of live tweeting during the debates.
 I am loving twitter right now...  
Although i don't understand what RT means yet in Twitter language...
I am consuming this type of social media...
And it's actually one social media i am open to learning to better understand.

Fellow readers please entitle me....
what does RT in twitter speak mean???

Question of the Day:
What social media are you consuming on a daily basis?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Laundry Can Wait...

 i would rather cuddle with you,
Admire how much you are growing,
Marvel at your facial expressions,
Kiss your fingers and nose,
Watch you sleep all curled up,
Stare long into your big brown eyes when you awake,
Feel a strong tug at my heart watching you with your dad,
Feel love like never before...
Feel blessed because of all that God does for you everyday.

My BooBoo really does to sleep all curled up like this!

Monday, October 15, 2012

ABC's of Me...

Hope you had an awesome weekend!
Our was filled with lots of cuddles with Baby Pancakes,
birthday wishes for Grandpa Pancakes,
visit from friends and football.

This morning, i thought i would participate in a fun activity
i saw on Erin from Love, Fun & Football.
I thought it was uber fun and cute.
Hope you enjoy!!

A- Accent you wish you had
Definitely British!

B- Baking or Cooking?
Cooking is something i'm learning to enjoy!

C- Can't Get Enough.....
Baby Pancakes and Mr. Pancakes

D- Drink you can't go without
Currently Ginger Ale...i would rather drink that than water as of late!
(sad but true...)

E-Emotion you get when those Hallmark commercials come on
I do get choked up...i enjoy sap!!!

F-Fictional Character you relate to
Lauren from The Wind Blows Backward--loved this book!

G-Guilty Pleasure
Chocolate...hands down!

H- Hometown
I live in the North 

I- Ice Cream Flavor
Chocolate and cookies and cream

J- Jumpstart Go To (aka how you get your day started)
Usually a shower does it...although that can be the end of day!
But right now: Baby Pancakes!

K- Keepsake Item
I cannot downsize anything so i have CDs, books from elementary.

L- Life Verse(s)
Joshua 24:15
"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD"

M-Memory that makes you smile
The day we were married &
The day we found out about Baby Pancakes!

N- Non-fiction writer you want to have dinner with
Dave Ramsey ( i took this from Erin but it was a good idea i love Dave)

"Cash is King"
O- Opulent Item You Want (something that is way out of your price range)
Currently it is: 2013 Acura MDX
i LOVE that car!
(reason i can't purchase...see the above man!!)

P-Pattern You Love
I don't know if i have any specific patterns that i love.

Q- Quirk You Have
I do have a knack for interrupting sometimes...ask my hubby!
He says i interrupt romantic times all the time!

R- Relaxing Spot
At home...but i do love a good massage too.

S- Snow or Sun?
I love the sun but i do love a good snow storm 
(As long as i don't have to drive in snow...i don't mind it)

T- TV show you miss
Currently we are in love with Shark Tank!
Suze Orman is also one of our shows.
Guilty pleasure: Project Runaway and Vince & Tamar

U- Unique Fact About You
I was involved in theatre when i was younger &
Been working on a novel since 7th grade.

V- Valentine's Day ...big deal or not?
I think everyday should be celebrated BUT Valentine's Day is a special day.
We celebrate.

W- What's Your Love Language?
I can't remember but i think it's Acts of Service.

X- X-Factor Song You Would Sing 
I am a terrible singer but i would sing a Madonna song 
because you can't go wrong with her songs.

Y- Yoga or Not?
I do enjoy Yoga...i don't do it often but it's a great addition to my fitness routine.

Z- Zealous Dream You Have
Have enough money so that i don't have to work.
I can do what i love...spend time with my family by traveling, 
start a foundation and blog about it!

That's the ABC's of me.
Wasn't that fun!
How about you join in and share the ABC's of you!!

Happy Monday!