Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday Funnies: Kids Say the Darnest Things

I've been watching the AT&T commercials with the man in the suit 
and funny sitting positions and the kids, genius marketing.  
Some of them are laugh out funnies so i thought i would share some of my favorites!!!
  Enjoy...and it's alright to laugh out loud!

This one has nothing to do with the kids but it's funny too!!
Happy Friday!!!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

#ProjectMilf: Week 17

There's a consensus among the group that #ProjectMilf will be ideal to update on a monthly basis. 
 Therefore, this will be our last update and weekly prompt until end of June.
So go forth and work hard so you will have lots and lots to update.
Don't forget we can still check up on each other via twitter, facebook, google chat and reading each other's posts to give encouragement and support.
Have an awesome June Milfs!!!!

Now onto our final prompt for the month of May!!!
Since we are all thinking about vacations and escaping our lives...
the prompt for this week is If I Could Visit Anywhere in the World...feel free to add pictures too just to have fun.  Maybe this will spark some vacation ideas for some of us.  Enjoy traveling the globe!!!

My Prompt
If I Could Visit Anywhere in the World...i would go to guys i love this place.
I haven't been back since our honeymoon two years ago but i dream about it everyday.
We are going real soon...hope the hubby reads this!!

Now it's your up, grab the button 
and share your vacation spots!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mommylogues: Getting to Know Mom Series

Good Morning Ladies and Anonymous commentators who are bent on sending me awful comments...thank goodness i did the read before approval status...makes my day a little bit better.

Anywho....I saw this list on Dani of Ok Dani's blog who saw it from WeatherAnchorMama's blog who saw it from BabyMakingMachine's blog goes on and on I am sure...but i thought i would join in the bandwagon and for every single day in June, complete something on the list.

The idea is to share information about myself so that Baby Pancakes gets to know more about me.  And what an ingenious help your child get to know more about you on my very own makes natural sense because some day he is so going to enjoy reading all about my life in blogland.   I am super it will give topic ideas for the month of June so i don't have to think extra hard on my vacation days!!!!  Perfect!!!

So if you would like to join me...beginning June 1, the journey to sharing more about myself will begin.

1. List 20 random facts about yourself.
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears
3. Describe your relationship with your spouse.
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
6. If you could have three wishes, what would you wish for?
7. What is your dream job, and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
10. Describe your most embarrassing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. What’s the hardest part of growing up?
14. Describe 5 and weaknesses strengths you have.
15. Describe when you knew your spouse was the one or how I fell in love.
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
18. What do you think your spouse loves most about you?
19. How did you feel the moment you became a parent?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
21. Describe your relationship with your parents.
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
23. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
24. What’s your favorite and least favorite thing about parenthood?
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
28. What’s your favorite quality in your spouse?
29. What are your hopes and dreams for your prosperity?
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Driving Quirks

Hope you all enjoyed your Memorial Day Weekend...mine could have been better because i spent too much time working but that's life sometimes.  We managed to enjoy some of Monday as a family.

The other day I was thinking of my future internet property (aka: domain name) and I am still trying to figure it all out...including name, purpose of the blog, design and layout and so on and so forth....and one of the things i thought about was "how random I can be" and that will most likely be part of my blog hence this post.

I was thinking about my driving habits and quirks (the last couple of days I have driven many miles) and thought it would be fun to share them.

1.  I CANNOT drive without shoes.  I tried and driving is just impossible to me.  I don't know why it is but it just feels like you should wear shoes while driving.  Maybe if i had to do it....i could but it would take some getting used to.

2.  I can listen to talk radio over and over again.  I don't even think i listen to mainstream radio and i couldn't name a current song...sad but true.  But i could probably repeat the local news/traffic and sports back to you all day long.

3.  I do not drive behind any trucks with things attached to it and that includes trucks with cars, steel metal, with animals...anything that has the potential of falling out of the truck scares the heebeegeebees out of me.

4. I usually drive with my left hand on the wheel and right hand on my lap....for some reason i don't like driving with both hands unless i am trying to pass a truck (see above).

These are probably NOT that bad of driving quirks but i thought they were interesting and had to share them on my blog plus there is this series that i want to participate in about sharing things on this blog that will allow my child to get to know me more.

Now it's your turn....

Question of the Day:
What are some of your driving quirks?

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Longlazysunday: Week 28

This longlazysunday is definitely not lazy at all.  We are trying to catch up on sleep because Baby Pancakes is just not sleeping well and Church is being impacted because we haven't been in the last three weeks...I miss being ministered too!! Early afternoon I took Baby Pancakes to the park and that was fun although he wanted to play with my keys more than play on the slide but we have fun...well at least I did going down the slide with him.  I can't wait until he gets excited about going to the park.  The test of the afternoon I'm at the office trying to get some work done.  You know those days you take on a task and realize maybe I've taken on too much...but you realize you have to complete the task you took on...that's what I'm doing this Sunday. It's going to be a long afternoon but at least Monday is a holiday and I can't spend the day with my Mr. & Baby Pancakes.  In the meantime here are my favorite moments of the day...matching hats at the park, playing with keys, the open road leading me to work and not to the beach and working hard with a bolthouse!! What are your longlazysunday moments???                       

Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday Funnies: Optical Illusion

These are not really Friday Funnies but they are interesting things to do on a Friday and weekend when you feel like procrastinating...I try to provide that here on Fridays!!

I thought the illusions were all trippy and kind of cool....
Plus i always find these double/different perspective exercises kind of neat...
It always reminds me that it's okay to be flexible in our everyday lives....
There's always another perspective/view if you are open to seeing it.

Enjoy your Friday Friends!!!!

(all the optical illusions can be found here!)
 optical illusions




optical illusions

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Celebrating Love: 25 Months

To celebrate our anniversary today I wanted to share some of my recent favorite love and marriage quotes for Pinterest!! I love you Mr. Pancakes more than life itself! I hope you enjoyed the lasagne...I know I haven't cooked in a while but there's no excuse!! 

#ProjectMilf: Week 16

 #ProjectMilf was started 16 Weeks ago and I can't believe how quickly time is flying.  
Many of us have been challenged by this project for various reasons (time restraint, self doubt, procrastination, forgetfulness, etc.) but at the end of the day, becoming a Motivating Inspiring Leading Female is all about the journey and I hope we are all enjoying it.  I hope we continue to be inspired by each other as we move along week by week, month by month.   

Week 16 is about having fun with another goes: If you could spend one hour with anyone, past or present, who would it be and why?


My Answer:
If i could spend an hour with someone, it would definitely be my dad.  He passed away when i was fairly young so I would love to spend that hour with him asking him questions, getting hugs and kisses and just being in his presence.  He was always a very inspiring man so i hope i would be inspired by his words and thoughts and just changed forever by being in his presence again.  
I wish this could totally happen!  

My Weekly Update:
1) Healthy Lifestyle Change
That Yoga from last week was amazing...i felt it in my non-existing abs.  And i must say that my stomach is going down.  I believe it's a myth that your stomach shrinks during breastfeeding...i have been breastfeeding for almost nine months and my baby stomach is still hanging around.  I'm hopeful it will shrink away within the one year.
2) Emotional Wellness
We are supposed to explore Annapolis, MD sometime this long weekend and that's exciting!! I heard Annapolis is beautiful.
3) Spiritual Fortitude
This week's goal is JUST TO MAKE IT CHURCH...i miss hearing the word from my Pastor...he is a preaching!

Now it's your up, grab the button 
and share your thoughts on the following statements,
and your weekly updates on your Milf goals!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Change up your style with Firmoo Free Glasses for May

Hello Friends! 
I believe I have posted about Firmoo before...well they are at it again and this time there is a chance to win some glasses.
Firmoo has updated their New Arrivals for May and you may have the chance to get yours for FREE!
Spring and summer always has great fashions, however it can be frustrating 
when you already have a nice dress or outfit to wear but can never seem to find the right pair of accessories to go with it. 
Wearing glasses is another new trend, 
so don't be shy to rock your prescription lenses in very cool frames this season! 
Firmoo is here to make your life easier! 

With their innovative First-Pair-Free program wherein new customers
 are entitled to receive their very first pair of Firmoo glasses for free! Isn't that an amazing deal? 
You can find the new arrivals added for May. You only need to pay shipping costs!
Check out some small samples of the new updated shades for May here.

Oversize frame:
Rectangle frame:
Vintage style:
Nerdy style:
Still not sure that eyewear can be fashionable? Then check out how some of these fashionistas style them:
Leave a comment with a link of the type of glasses you would like from here: Firmoo free glasses selection 
and you may win a free pair of prescription glasses.  (mandatory).

Monday, May 20, 2013

Random (Praise) Monday

The radio station i listen to in the mornings was doing a Praise Monday
 and thought it would be fun to extend it on my blog.  Some Mondays 
are rougher than others so it might
 be nice to start of this Monday on a high note!!!

So here goes, I am praising and thankful for:

1. My family of three and extended family.  I am truly blessed to have a family 
that is happy and thoughtful of each other.  
And my Baby Pancakes who is becoming a little boy right before my eyes. 
 No one could have prepared me for how quickly he is growing up.

2. My husband who is just fantastic....'nuff said!

3. Disney has come to it's senses and will be leaving Merida alone.  
She will be a Princess in her own right...frizzy hair and all!!

4. Blogger Friends--old and new.  I miss reading your blogs on a regular basis 
but I am catching up when i can.

5. I have two weeks left until I am off for three weeks until Summer School begins...
my life is soooooooo good!!!

6. God who is so faithful even when I am not.

7.  The Voice begins again tonight and with it comes Josiah Hawley...
he is married...i am we can only look!!

Question of the Day:
What are you thankful for this Monday?

Source: via Grace on Pinterest

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Longlazysunday: Week 28

This longlazysunday has been a truly lazy one. I'm finding that we end up spending the weekend catching up on sleep and unfortunately church ends up suffering because we are too tired to get up and ready for church. We really need to so a better job getting ourselves together with a routine on Sundays. I need to have me some church during the week. We ended up having French toast and watching Creflo Dollar but that's still doesn't make up for an awesome sermon by our pastor.  Baby Pancakes has been spending the weekend climbing things...when did that skill happen. I can't keep up with all the new things he is doing baby is getting so much older everyday. We have to watch him like a hawk now but it's fun seeing him be so adventurous!! Hope you are having an awesome longlazysunday!! 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday Funnies: Photo Bombing

Happy Friday Friends!!!
This new trend in photography is hilarious..
i am sure we have a few of our own or have been part of someone else's picture. 
 Apparently it happens a lot at weddings.
Photo Bomb...when someone gets into your pictures knowingly/unknowingly!!
Either way it makes for some awesome Friday Funnies...

  Watch out next time when you are saying "Cheese!!!"...
someone might be in the background doing these:

That one guy at the wedding

Makes me want to go examine my wedding pictures for any photo bomb incidences.
Enjoy your Friday and Weekend!!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

#ProjectMilf: Week 15

 We are trucking along with #ProjectMilf and like anything that lasts a long time,
sometimes there are highs and lows but as participants we are riding the wave.  
Additionally, there are a few changes coming with the project
 so be on the look out for all the exciting news.
And remember this project is for anyone looking to make changes in their lives to
 become the strong and vibrant Motivating Inspiring Leading Female we all are!!!

Week 15 (amazing) is all about Finish This Statement...this is where we get to peak into each others' thoughts and see what we are thinking.  It should be a fun exercise. 
So here goes...complete each sentence with what comes to mind:

1. The best thing i did this week is.............
2. The best compliment i received this week.....
3. What i regret doing this week is............
4. What makes me smile is....
5. I think ProjectMilf is.....

Mrs. Pancakes Answers:
1. The best thing i did this week is spend time with my boys for mother's day..
2. The best compliment i received this week from my husband 
who told me i told beautiful before going to work.
3. What i regret doing this week is not sleeping enough...i am so tired!!!
4. What makes me smile is my baby who is just moving up a storm, taking steps, clapping his hands while standing up on his own.
5. I think ProjectMilf is helping me to remain accountable when i don't want to be!

My Weekly Update:
1) Healthy Lifestyle Change
I did awesome this week with my workouts.  I found this yoga by adriene on Youtube and that was pretty hard but awesome!!

2) Emotional Wellness
We are excited about planning activities for little man including swimming...apparently according to hubby Baby Pancakes has the shoulder built for a excited to be sport parents!!

3) Spiritual Fortitude
I need to start a prayer journal.  Maybe this will help me stay on task.

Now it's your up, grab the button 
and share your thoughts on the following statements,
and your weekly updates on your Milf goals!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Buying a Domain Name...

I am ready to own a bigger piece of real estate online. 
 I want to purchase my own domain name.  
This decision i take very seriously because I feel like unlike blogspot...
having a domain name is going that extra step in establishing myself online.
  At least that's what i think anyway. 

 I thought about sticking with blogspot and sprucing it up but the design and layout I want, 
you have to have a domain name. 
And of course since I don't know ANYTHING about web design and codes and all that jazz....
I am going to need someone to help me with this process. 
 I am going to take the summer and be thoughtful about this next step
 in my blog experience and do it right.  
The worst thing about having a domain name is changing it soon as you get it.  
Real estate online isn't that easy to come by at least with the right address...
it can be taken up before you know it. 
Which brings me to this post...I am asking for help.

  1. Can you think of any awesome blog names I can use?
  2. And can you suggest a blog designer I can use (i am on a budget too)?
  3. Or can you offer your services (for a small but awesome fee)?
  4. Do you have a domain name and was it a great decision?


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Shame on Disney or Shame on Us???

merida makeover

I saw this last week and thought i would share it and get a little discussion going.

Merida, the character from the movie "Brave" will be the new Disney Princess.  And the character in the movie was average size however Disney has decided in order to make her more marketable (i am assuming) has decided to make her thinner with eyes more wider and less frizzy hair.  
Really....even Cartoon Characters get makeovers?

I think this is definitely a sad commentary on our Society and what we value...not the strong female character but the skinny pretty one.  To say I am surprised with Disney would be lying because I am not...this is done everyday around us.  Celebrities are scrutinized for being too chubby while pregnant (Kim Kardashian) when they are a regular size.  Female Athletes are poked fun at for being too muscular (Serena Williams). Models are too fat when they are a normal size (Kate Upton).  
We admire our first lady not just because she is a smart lady but because she has "guns".  
The list goes on and on.  

It's almost expected for people on TV, in magazines and in our Society to be perfect and thin and flawless.  Therefore it doesn't surprise me that Disney would take it upon themselves to makeover their new inducted Princess.  It's all about the benjamins for these companies.  It's not about educating our children about true and real beauty.  That fall into our hands as parents.  The real sad truth is that most parents will go and buy the new Merida without raising an eyebrow.  And the idea that thin and flawless is what's acceptable.  After all, all the other Disney Princess are thin and flawless.

Although I say, Shame on's more shame on us as a Society for accepting 
by buying what is marketed to us as real and true beauty.

Question of the Day:
 Has Disney gone too far? 
Or is this what we expect from such a mainstream company?

 Oh by the way, there is a petition by launched a petition on  
to convince Disney to leave Merida alone.  The letter on reads, in part:
The redesign of Merida in advance of her official induction to the Disney Princess collection does a tremendous disservice to the millions of children for whom Merida is an empowering role model who speaks to girls' capacity to be change agents in the world rather than just trophies to be admired. Moreover, by making her skinnier, sexier and more mature in appearance, you are sending a message to girls that the original, realistic, teenage-appearing version of Merida is inferior; that for girls and women to have value -- to be recognized as true princesses -- they must conform to a narrow definition of beauty.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Longlazysunday: Week 27

Happy Mother's Day to all the awesome mothers out there!! Hope you are enjoying your day. Thus far this has been a great first Mother's Day!!! My little man and I slept in the morning and then cuddled up watching movies and just being thankful for this precious experience I get to be part of. Because of Baby Pancakes...I get to enjoy this special day and I look into his beautiful eyes and see him smile and my heart is filled with so much joy it can fill the entire world infinitely!! Here are some special moments from my first Mother's Day!! Enjoy your longlazysunday Mother's Day moments!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday Funnies: Robin vs. Kim

One of the things I was cognizant of during my pregnancy was wearing clothes that were flattering.
Kim K has definitely been pushing the envelope when it comes to her maternity fashion...
But did she go too far last week at the Met Gala?

Robin Williams seems to think so....he has funnies and thought i would share it with you.
But seriously what was Kim K thinking?

View image on Twitter

I think I wore it better!

Of all the dresses she could have worn...this was NOT the best choice.
Happy Friday Friends!!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

#ProjectMilf: Week 14

Good Morning Ladies!!!
Week 14 of #ProjectMilf is all about Mother's Day and or the woman in our lives.
We all have a mother/woman who inspires us to be our best in all we do.
A mother/woman we strive to be like.
Take a moment to celebrate this mother/woman today!!!

My Mom is definitely the woman I am celebrating.
She is strong and powerful and as annoying as she can be....
she is motivating to me in every way.
I love you Ma!!!

My Weekly Update:
1) Healthy Lifestyle Change
Total utter fail...i ate three slices of pizza and had steak and cheese sandwich 
and french fries all in one day.  What a glutton I was that day.
But i managed to eat my oatmeal in the mornings.

2) Emotional Wellness
Having our friends come and visit from TN was awesome.  They have been married five years so it's nice to see them interacting with one another.  And Baby Pancakes just fell in love with them too!!
3) Spiritual Fortitude
It was awesome to attend Church last Sunday.  It's been awesome.  
The message: speak up for what is right in the eyes of the Lord.  
We also attended Marriage Ministry and brought our friends who celebrated their 5 year anniversary...
i love our Church people who made it such a memorable experience. 

Now it's your up, grab the button and share your mother/woman whom you are celebrating,
and your weekly updates on your Milf goals!!

And Don't's never too late to join #ProjectMilf....
we would love more accountability partners!!!