Sunday, June 30, 2013

Getting to Know Mom Series: Day 30

I can't believe Getting to Know Mom Series is finally here....Day 30!  

This has been a challenging task because i had to think about what i was going to write everyday.  But at least, it was easy because i was given the prompts.  It has been fun to write down things that i believe are going to be fun someday for my son to read about.  Some of the prompts were thought provoking which allowed me to write about things that i perhaps wouldn't normally write about.  This is my second challenge of the year and i must say, i think it went well.  One of the best things about this challenge was my idea to incorporate the lessons from each day and that i can't wait to frame and place it in Baby Pancakes' room.  Something tangible he can have forever and also to refer back to this series to learn more about the meanings behind the lessons.

Day 30 also means the end of June.  Here is the question for today: List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for?   

Mmmmhm....i think this is a such a wonderful question.  At the end of the day, it's not about's about the substance of the individual.

1) Amazing and supportive wife
2) Always present and available mother
3) Dependable daughter, sister, friend (i am working on being dependable all the time)
4) God fearing
5) I always made people happy
6) My professional work made a difference in someone's life
7) I lived my life with substance
8) I was kind and compassionate
9) My children are good and kind people
10) I was always smiling and laughing

Day 30: The end is never final because what you do today carries on for generations to come!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Getting to Know Mom Series: Day 29

Getting to Know Mom Series Day 26 What are your hopes and dreams for your prosperity?  

This is a really interesting question because my initial thought was about building wealth.  And then i paused a moment and googled the definition for prosperity and this is what i came up with:

Prosperity is the state of flourishing, thriving, good fortune and / or successful social statusProsperity often encompasses wealth but also includes others factors which are independent of wealth to varying degrees, such as happiness and health.

Therefore, I am going to answer the question in three parts.  Prosperity as it relates to wealth, happiness and health.  

In terms of what my hopes and dreams are related to my (wealth) prosperity:  Currently as a family and a couple, we have been discussing a lot of about paying off debt and beginning to save and build up our wealth.  My dreams are that we have a house in the next year or two.  Eight months of emergency funds.  And money making money for us.  Mr. Pancakes has been good at experimenting in stocks and mutual funds so i hope the Team Pancakes' portfolio continues to grow and flourish.

In terms of (happiness) prosperity: I hope that we continue to be blessed and in that blessedness I know we will be happy.  Happiness is definitely a state of mind and being and I hope that we are living our lives in the way which we will be prospered.  I hope we continue to laugh as individuals and as a family.  I hope we continue to smile every single day.  Sometimes, I look at how happy my son is and i am reminded that we should ALL experience that kind of unburdened and carefree least once in our lives but hopefully every single day of our lives.

In terms of (health) prosperity: I hope to continue to be healthy.  And i know this comes from watching what i put in my mouth and what i do with my body.  It's definitely a life long journey but i am working on it.  The goal to health and wellness begins with me so i hope to continue to be healthy.  And also i want to keep the momentum going with my health goals by staying on #ProjectMilf!!!

There you have dreams for my prosperity.

Lesson for Day 29: It's one thing to have prosperity of wealth but the most important is prosperity of health and happiness.

Source: via Kelara on Pinterest

Friday, June 28, 2013

Getting to Know Mom Series: Day 28

Getting to Know Mom Series Day 23: What's your favorite quality in your spouse?

I think i have spoken so often about what i love about Mr. Pancakes but it never gets tiring and or old.  My favorite quality in my spouse without a doubt is his patience.  I mean sometimes i think he is a saint because he does not allow things to stress him out.  He actually looks after Baby Pancakes most days and he is still zen when i get home.  I am still learning to be patient like himself.  I really do believe that God matches us with a partner that complements us in the best possible way.  And Mr. Pancake's quality of patience is something i admire more than words can express.

Lesson of Day 28: Be. Just. Like. Your. Daddy!!

Source: via Mama on Pinterest

Today, Baby Pancakes celebrates is that possible that my baby is two months away from celebrating one year.  We are so proud of him and his milestones.  He has definitely rushed into toddler-hood with the walking, climbing things, pulling things down, messing up the house, taking swimming lessons, making new friends, eating real food, acting like he is a 'big man' but he is still my baby especially when he cuddles close to me when he is tired.  That's still my favorite moments with him.  But then he smiles and it kills me every single time!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

#ProjectMilf Monthly Review & Day 27

Today marks the first monthly update for #ProjectMilf which is pretty exciting because we haven't caught up with everyone in a long time.  And i am so overly excited about reading about everyone's updates.  Also there was a prompt for everyone to share something fun and exciting they have been doing this summer.

I will be combining Day 27 of  Getting to Know Mom Series's question: What is your favorite part of your body and why? with my monthly update about my goals about my health and wellness.

This is another great question for so many reasons.  Currently, i am having a love/hate relationship with my body.  But then truth be told...I have mostly had a love/hate relationship with my body.  The love: when I am being healthy by being mindful of what i use to fuel and nourish my body, i feel strong and fit and comfortable in my own skin.  I feel love and gratitude toward my body for all that it is capable of doing including carrying a baby for 40 weeks.  The hate: comes from the choices i make when i eat fried/fatty things which then results in unhealthy results including excess fat and not fitting into my clothes appropriately.  The love/hate relationship with my body definitely has an impact on my favorite part of my body because depending on which pendulum i am favorite part of my body could change.

With all the factors lining up...I would have to say my favorite part of my body are my arms.  When i am healthy and fit...i think i have killer arms...i have always had nice arms but when i am doing strength training...they are by far my favorite part of my body.

The strongest part of my body....if you were to ask your father...he would say....would be my shoulders....apparently i have naturally strong shoulders...i don't know if that is something i want but i guess sometimes you can't help what God gives you!

In order to maintain my health and wellness and work on building up my strength, I have been running and doing strength training more consistenly.  I almost at 5miles without keeling over, which makes me super excited because my running buddy has been waiting for me a little too long.  

And there you long winded answer to Day 27 and my monthly review for #ProjectMilf.   The lesson today is: Take care of your body and your body will take care of you, always!

For my prompt: We've been trying to do some fun things this summer including taking swimming lessons for Baby Pancakes.  He has been having a lot of fun.  We had a fun time going to the lake and beach and this weekend, we are heading to Great Falls in Virginia.  I am loving spending family time together.  

Now it's your up, grab the button and share your monthly reviews and 
some of your fun activities for the summer.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Getting to Know Mom Series: Day 26

Getting to Know Mom Series Day 26 What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?

This is an essay type question if i ever heard one but i am not going to answer it that way...just because i really don't like writing essays anymore.  

However, i will attempt to be thoughtful.  The one notion i think the world has wrong is the belief that "waging wars is the right path to peace."  I understand that some people are always going to believe that war is the answer to getting some things done but i honestly don't believe this to be true.  There have been many wars fought over the years and there still isn't peace throughout all the world.  If anything, war begets violence, retaliation and more wars.  

Even in our households, if you are angry and upset all the time, the other person is only going to become angry and upset.  However, if you act towards another in love and kindness, the behavior which is reciprocated is love and kindness.  I have never met someone that met love and kindness with anger and violence.

Therefore, "waging a war is the right path to peace" is the popular notion the world has most wrong. 

Lesson for Day 26: If something is wrong, use your voice to speak out and up.  Never silence yourself from speaking the word of truth!

Source: via GMO on Pinterest

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Getting to Know Mom Series: Day 25

Getting to Know Mom Series Day 25 is: If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?

Oh my goodness, there are so many people i would pick but honestly it would be to have dinner with Oprah.  I follow her on instagram and she always has the loveliest spreads for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Maybe she can make me her pesto pasta....yummy.  And of course the conversation would be amazing.  I think having dinner with her would be like having dinner with an older sister/mom would be warm and inviting and just right down AWESOME.  

And of course she would impart all this wisdom to me...and i would live filled with just knowledge to navigate life to the fullest.

Lesson for Day 25: Surround yourself with people that are only going to lift you higher (Oprah's quote).

Monday, June 24, 2013

Getting to Know Mom Series: Day 24

This was a fun weekend...we went to celebrate a few days away for Mr. Pancakes' birthday.
We went to a lovely hotel overlooking the lake, did some walking on the marina, a little fishing, a little shopping, a lot of laughing, smiling, enjoying, cuddling, went to Ocean City for the day, spent time as a was the perfect family vacation/celebration of life and love.

Now onto day 24....Getting to Know Mom is all about: What's your favorite and least favorite thing about parenthood?
Another fun question indeed.  My favorite thing about parenthood is:
*The ability to watch this little person grow and develop and learn new's just a wonderful experience

The least favorite thing is:
Lack of sleep...i don't think i have slept a full eight hours since i was six or seven months pregnant. 
I am not complaining but i MISS sleeping...sleeping in...just sleep!! 

Lesson for Day 24: To be a parent is to relive your childhood all over again.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Getting to Know Mom Series: Day 23

Getting to Know Mom Series Day 23: What's your favorite holiday and why?

By far my favorite holiday is Christmas because it's all about family, cheer, 
joy, birth of Jesus Christ, the snow and there's a peacefulness around the holidays that is nothing like any other!!! 

Lesson for Day 23: Cherish the holidays because it is then that memories are made!!

Source: via Keunsup on Pinterest

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Getting to Know Mom Series: Day 22

Getting to Know Mom Series Day 22: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?

Oh how fun is this question....makes me feel like i can dream and imagine and plan where i want to be in the next fifteen years.  And also it will be good for me to keep myself accountable.


*Be debt free (hopefully this happens before December 2013)
*Celebrate you first birthday (okay short term goal)
*You are going to be in kindergarten (wow!!)
*You will hopefully have a brother/sister 
*I will have my clinical license and hopefully have a private counselling business
*Have my fitness training certificate of some kind (i have always wanted to be an aerobics instructor)
*Move to TN 
*Purchase our dream home
*Lose ALL the baby weight
*Travel to Africa, Europe and the Caribbean
*Run at least three more half marathons under 2hrs & 30mins.

*Have a successful private business
*Continue blogging (motivating and inspiring others)
*Being a Southern wife and mom (just happy as happy can be)
*Go to an exotic location for our 12th year anniversary
*Purchase brand new car for Mr. Pancakes for his 40th

*Go to the Hawaii with the girls for our 40th
*Own our own successful family business
*Be able to take vacations when we want
*Be successful wife, mother, 
*Be a happy basketball/football mom

That's it for now....Lesson for Day 22: Enjoy the years you are given because it passes by fast!!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Getting to Know Mom Series: Day 21

Getting to Know Mom Series Day 20: Describe your relationships with your parents.

I have a healthy and fun relationship with my mother, your grandmother, my Ma.   i didn't grow up with my mother so we have never had the closest relationship but as I've older and she has moved closer to me...our relation has progressed.  We speak to each other almost everyday and I can joke around with her.  She can be critical at times but that's just in her nature to be this way.  Most parents are critical anyway.  I am respectful to her.  And i have never met anyone that was more determined and strong minded.   And she is a praying woman which is a wonderful thing to be around.  She says she was never this way however she has become a praying woman which tells me that no matter how old you are always growing and developing yourself.  I love to bits because she truly is someone that I am blessed to know.  As a woman, she is  a wife, she was a mom, she is dedicated and a friend, she is loyal.  And it is a blessing to know her.  

My father died when I was younger so my relationship with him has been through family members including my mother and older siblings.  I believe if he had been alive...i would be "daddy's girl" and i would totally have him wrapped around my finger and of course i would use it for good:-)  I really believe i missed not having him around but truth be told....i continue to have a relationship with him where i do speak with him and i feel like he is ever present in my life.  

I would have loved to be around my parents as a couple because i think i could have learned a lot from their relationship, because even though i don't have a strong memory of them as a couple, from what i have heard, my mother was very much his helpmate and they were partners in crime, which is exactly the type of relationship Mr. Pancakes and I have.

Lesson from Day 21: Cherish your relationship with your parents because it is the one relationship that sets the foundation for all other relationships.

P.S: Baby Pancakes will be completing his first week of swimming lessons....we are learning to  blow bubbles, kick, climb out of the pool, go under water and just have fun in the water.  He is soooo cute in his swim trunks.  And he appears to love the water!\

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Getting to Know Mom Series: Day 20

I can't believe how quickly time is moving in June by doing these posts.  Time really is fleeting and it's been fun but challenging having a singular mindset with these posts.  Anyway onto today's Getting to Know Mom Series Day 20: Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.

Growing up there were many fun and memorable experiences but the ones that stick out are:

1.  I was maybe six or seven, still living in Ghana.  I was going to school and was late getting there.  And i thought to myself "if i go to school because i am late...i am going to get punished with a few hits on my instead i will go back home."  You see in Ghana, the teachers are allowed to punish you when you are not behaving and this includes getting hit with a ruler.  So i made the executive decision to go home.  When i got home, my grandmother asked me what i was doing home? And i told her...and she wasn't having it.  I remember her chasing me around the house with a belt or something trying to "punish" me for not going to school.  That memory always sticks out to me because i knew that my grandma loved me more than i will ever know.

2. Childhood memory two will have to be when i visited family in Europe one summer n my teenage years.  I mean it was truly the best time in my life.  We went to Venice, Rome and Verona and just had an awesome time.  It was truly the summer of our innocence and it was just beautiful.  I fell in love with a few European guys in the same summer.  If i can bottle that whole Summer up and sell it I would because it was just so beautiful.  And to think we were so young and had Europe at our finger tips as a was a wonderful experience.  

3.  This last childhood memory was in grade school.  I had these three teachers: Mr. Evans, Mrs. Phillips and Mr. Dheer.  From grade three to grade six.. were some of the best school years because these three teachers were influential in helping to develop my self-esteem and love for learning, making friends and just being a productive person in the universe.  We would do such fun activities.  I remember Mr. Evans class we started a newspaper and I was the Editor.  We would watch movies like: My Fair Lady and To sir With Love.  These were movies I had never heard of before but were mind opening and inspirational.  We had spelling bee matches and we had to write on our desk the three things we wanted to do when we were grown and mine were: lawyer, writer, actress, therapist.  These were such awesome memories.

This was definitely a fun one...i could go on and on about childhood memories.

Lesson for Day 20: Enjoy the moments you are making today because they will become memories forever!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Getting to Know Mom Series: Day 19

 Getting to Know Mom Series Day 19:
How did you feel the moment you became a parent?
I don't know if I can really describe how I feel when I became a parent
because it was more of an internal feeling that is hard to describe. 
Finding out I was pregnant was magical because it happened so organically. 
 We weren't trying and we weren't trying to prevent it felt like this baby was planned by God to be ours in the time it happened in.  I believe finding out changed who I was because all of sudden I was protective over my belly.  I remember taking the train to work a few times and shielding my belly from others even when my belly was not visible yet to other people.  Even before I found out I was pregnant...I was shielding my belly from people.  I had a dream and in the dream someone was trying to touch my belly and I was hitting them away in the dream...I woke up to find myself hitting your daddy in the process.  Aside from being protective....I felt love like never before.  I remember writing I loved you even before I knew you were conceived.  And that kind of love, I have only felt when I met my husband.  The kind of love that is strong, unconditional and familiar. 
 Like I was always meant to love you. 
Of course becoming a parent it was also a little scary
because I wondered if I would be the best parent but then I remembered...
the best parent I can be is the one that loves you and will take care of you every single second.  And of course I will not be doing this parenting thing alone...
which is a blessing in itself. 

Lesson from Day 19 is: Obey and respect your parents....because I obey and respect my parents always. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Getting to Know Mom Series: Day 18

                                               Getting to Know Mom Series Day 18:
 What do you think your spouse loves most about you?

Mmhm...recently Mr. Pancakes...your dad...told me that he loves that i am adventurous. 
 I mean he loves a lot of things about me but one of the things that allow us to compliment each other is the fact that I like to take risks where dad is more slow to think and act. 
Yes in most areas...he is more cautious them myself.
 When we started dating...I think i brought out in him lots and lots and lots of adventurous including taking trips and trying new things.  I like to think i brought some excitement into his life.  
And he would say that too.

Lesson from Day 18  is: Fall in love with the million tiny things in the one you love!!!

Source: via Heidi on Pinterest

Monday, June 17, 2013

Getting to Know Mom Series: Day 17

 Getting to Know Mom Series Day 17 is all about: What is the thing you most wish you were great at?

Mmhmm...this is a good question because there are many things I wish i was great at...but one thing i find myself constantly grappling with in certain areas of my life is drive.  You know that drive, the kind of drive that athletes have, the kind that people like Oprah and Steve Jobs have, the kind that will push someone who comes from nothing to become something bigger than themselves.  That's the kind of drive i am talking about.  

I am a fairly determined person but i think sometimes i give up too easy.  Instead of pushing through...i negative self-talk my way out of things and situations that I can be great at.  I always think certain tasks are too hard and i will stop instead of pushing forward with that dogged determination.  

I think you can develop drive but it comes with constant self-believe and passion to succeed.  And of course working harder than anyone else.  You have to want to be the best at whatever you are doing.  And sometimes i have it but it is not consistent and i think if i had to be great at would be to be driven all. the.time.

Lesson from Day 17: Be great at everything you do and greatness will be part of your life always!!

Today we start swimming lessons for Baby Pancakes and i am so excited for him...should be fun times!!!
I can't believe my son is all grown least old enough to be taking lessons in something....they really do grow up so fast!!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Something New for the Summer

I am excited to introduce you to for the second time on my blog.  They had something new for the Summer and thought i would share some of their deals and links for you to check out.  They are definitely offering many Summer deals to satisfy any budget...check out the product and deals below then check them out when you get a chance.


The most awaited part of the years- S-U-M-M-E-R has finally come. Aren't you excited to be in the beach, wear shorts, be tanned, be sweaty yet gorgeous and go to music festivals? Well I definitely am! What is summer without a new pair of eyewears? An easy remedy for this is to stop by! and pick up a free pair of glasses so that you won't miss a moment this summer. New arrivals are part of the First-Pair-Free-Program. Now get yours for FREE!

+ Looking for Rectangle Glasses?

Bright colors, more rectangles and patterns are all current eyewear trends. Fashion frame designsand styles at icons have embraced eyewear as an accessory that adds instant panache to any look. These eyewear are a must-have one for you in this shinning June.


+ Looking for Retro Glasses?

A retro glasses frame offering a quirky retro look. This eyewear with bold color and fashionable design will lighten up your summers. Find out your own and unique style.


+ Looking for Oversized Glasses?

To be yourself and find your own way to show yourself! This eyewear with big blue frame is so unique and attractive and they will let you stand out of the crowed. Oversized glasses are always your best choice for showing your star quality in the fashion trend.


Still have no idea about how to style your pairs? Check out a few ladies modeling their favorite Firmoo eyewear.
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(The above model photos are all derived from Firmoo+.)
New Customers, check more products for your first free pair at Firmoo right now! You just need to pay shipping. First come, first served! (Simply clicking "LUCKY DRAW" on this page, you may even get a totally free pair including shipping free.)

Happy Father's Day

Little man wanted to give a big Happy First Father's Day to his very awesome and wonderful father. And also he wanted to say: thank you for all you do everyday...i want to grow up and be just like you!! They are enjoying their day at the basketball game!! Love you dad to the moon and back!!

Getting to Know Mom Series: Day 16

Getting to Know Mom Series Day 16: What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?

1. Getting my Masters Degree because I was the first one in my immediate family to do so.
2. Becoming a Wife to my husband because it was a role I wanted.
3. Becoming a mother to the most smartest and cutest Baby Pancakes in the world.
4. Making the decision to move to DMV (I've grown professionally).
5. My decision to begin a blog (it's something that has been an accomplishment in my life).

Lesson from Day 16: Being accomplished means you work harder from start to finish!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Getting to Know Mom Series: Day 15

Getting to Know Mom Series Day 15 is all about: Describe when you knew your spouse was the one or how I fell in love.

Oh this is a fun was really easy to know that my husband was the right one.  
Everything just fit when i met him..he made me feel alive and I wanted to be a better version of myself because of him.  I knew he was for me when I never wanted to leave when I was with him.  If he came to visit or we went out....i wanted to stay with him forever.  

I remember reflecting in my journal one night how I wanted to be with i wanted to become his wife and if he didn't feel the same way i would be devastated.  This was probably two years into our dating stage.  I had moved closer to him to begin a new job.  We had been in the same city for maybe less than a year.  I always knew I was in love with your dad but one day it just hit me...that i was falling in love with him and I never wanted to fall out of love with him.

There were little things that led me to fall in love with was the way he was around his family especially his niece...he was so good with her.  He was kindhearted and nice.  He treated his elders with respect.  He was an active member of his church and he invited me to church.  He liked my family and got along with my niece and nephew.  He was good to me.   He was good for me.  He loved God.  And the awesome thing is that he loved me right back.

Lesson from Day 15 is: Fall in love with the right person only once!!!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Getting to Know Mom Series: Day 14

Getting to Know Mom Series Day 14 is all about: Describe 5 weaknesses and strengths you have.  This sounds like questions i would ask some of my clients but i am going to try and answer them for goes.


1. My ability to laugh at life
2. Optimism
3. My willingness to adapt to change (roll with the punches)
4. I'm a team player (at home and work)
5. My determination


1. Emotions (sometimes i can be too emotional when it's not required)
2. Wondering thoughts (i have been known to wonder when i'm doing a test...i know sad)
3. Jealous streak (sometimes i want what someone else has....sometimes)
4. Procrastination (i am working on this but it's hard sometimes)
5. Tend to push people away when I'm hurting

 Day 13 lesson is all about: if you have a weakness....balance it out with a lot of strengths!