Sunday, January 30, 2011

LongLazySunday: Family Times!

My longlazysunday was spent flying today. 

I am visiting family and friends for a few days. 

I'm already missing Mr. Pancakes but i am sure i will survive for a few days.

It was definitely an early and long sunday but i hope to enjoy time well spent with the fam before the wedding.

A relaxing time together before all the craziness of the next couple of months leading up to the wedding!

I want to be relaxed enough to enjoy the most amazing day i will spend with my friends and family!

I hope you enjoyed your long lazy sunday!


  1. I hope you are having a good Monday and that you are both doing well. Just read your post about medical problems so I hope your doing better. PS Go Steelers! :)

  2. I hope that you get all the rest and relaxation you need and that you go into the coming month feeling refreshed and able to deal with all that comes your way!


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