Thursday, August 18, 2011

The No-TV Challenge: Days 1-3

August 16, 2011:

 In the morning, i listened to gospel music
Gave my hair a relaxing shampoo
Shaved my legs
Saw a father walking his son on the baby leash 
(hence the post..thanks for all the comments ladies!)
Probably bothered Mr. Pancakes a little too much with my bantering

August 17, 2011:

Slept in
Worked out in the morning
Worked out in the evening (Tae-Bo anyway)
Worked overtime (is this what happens when you have time on your hands)
Discovered some new blogs!

August 18, 2011

Worked out with Mr. Pancakes (we haven't done that for a while)
Saw the bff
Worked overtime (not by choice)
Went to CVS to print some pictures
Made bbq for dinner
Worked on TC30s

I wish i was reading more but i think that's because i've been coming home late from work.
But Yup, still no tv and I AM DOING JUST FINE!


  1. Go you! No tv would be easy for me. Not so much for my hubby. Giving up my computer time? Now THAT woul be a challenge. Hope you get some reading in soon!

  2. Sounds like you're doing great! thanks for the updates!

  3. Nice! That's a great challenge. I don't watch TV as often as I used to either. Now that I dont I realize just how much I was glued to the tube in the past. Kudos to you!

  4. That's awesome that things are going great for you!

    Have a great weekend.

  5. I could do this challenge hands husband on the other hand would go bat crazy!!! LOL

  6. This is the best challenge ever! We never had a TV in our home, so I am the living and breathing proof that it is completely unneccessary!

  7. Great job! Don't know if I could do it! :)

  8. Sounds like a very interesting challenge. Don't think I could do it though but seems like you're coping pretty well. Stopping in from the Alexa hop. Now your newest GFC follower :)

    Bri @ Ramblings of a Southern Mama

  9. Just found you through teenage bride ... cute blog! And good for you on the no-tv-challenge thing!

  10. you go girl!!! looks like you have found a lot to do to occupy your time while you haven't been watching tv!


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