Sunday, September 18, 2011

LongLazySunday: Tired!

This was definitely a long and full weekend! Today i wished for it to be a longlazysunday because i was feeling tired but it wasn't!  Here's the run down of my weekend:

1. Went to VTech game (Mr. Pancakes' birthday from June--more on the game later)
2. Drove like 70-80miles an hour (yes Mr. Pancakes was driving real fast!)
3. Closed my eyes most of the way
4. Enjoyed the football game and enjoyed another memory together
5. Attended our church's 99th anniversary (amazing that something can exist for that long with harmony)!
6. Team Pancakes were on the program  
7. Enjoyed visiting with granny
8. The Redskins won their 2nd game of the season
9. Watching sunday night football (Go Michael Vick...Eagles!)
10. Had my third (first Venti) pumpkin spice latte of the season:-)

It was a tiring weekend but definitely a great one. 
 Hope you spent your longlazysunday doing something great!


  1. busy weekends are usually fun...but then you need a weekend for your weekend!

  2. def. an eventful weekend ... hopefully next weekend you can have your longlazysunday! but i agree with Lauren, busy weekends are usually fun! :)

  3. Congrats to your church! I can't wait to try a pumpkin spice latte myself. I'm patiently awaiting McD to bring back their pumpkin pies. SO good!!!

  4. Yes it was definitely an eventful weekend and it was a lot of fun!

  5. All I want is a plate of pancakes now!! Ughh!!!


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