Friday, May 4, 2012

What Makes a Successful Blog?

Good Friday Ladies,
We finally finished our move...we are not settled but everything is moved
and now our new place looks like a hot mess.
Gotta love moving.
I don't know how two people one person can accumulate so much STUFF!!
I told Mr. Pancakes this will be our last move before we purchase a house!
He seemed to like that news.

Now onto today's post...
One of my readers asked me a while ago
 "How do i maintain such a successful blog?"
Which lead me to mull over the questions:
Do I have a successful blog?
and exactly What Makes a Successful Blog?

The answer to this question is diferent for everyone
because the definition of "Success" in blogland is so wide and varied. 
 I beleive my blog is soooo far from successful but in a lot of ways...
there has been some success including my ability to stick to blogging for over a year. 
To me that's success! 

One thing i am sure of is that a successful blog is defined differently by each blogger.
One of the blogs i follow who has over 2000 followers
and receives on average 50 comments per day
reminded me she looks at other bloggers
who have over 10,000 followers and on average 100 comments per day
and thinks she has a long way to go.
Therefore, successful blogs are very relative to the blogger.
Because what glitters may not always be gold.
We can always do and be better at our craft...which is blogging/writing.
There is always a higher standard to reach.

This conversation was definitely intriguing
and it lead me to reach out to other bloggers
and ask questions about successful and balancing the success of blogs and real life. 
Because as we all know, it takes time and dedication to maintain a blog.
Which can impact our ability to have balance between blogging and living our lives.
I am far from considering myself a blogger but i chose these specific ladies
who i consider bloggers for different reasons. 
Reasons included but not limited to: readership, daily comments,
content, sponsorship, monies generated, extracurricular jobs like freelance and etc.  

The ladies i reached out to include:
Ashely of Adventures of Newlywed
Charli of Man Wife & Dog
Mimi of Lipgloss & Binky
Bessie of Bravoe Runaway
The ladies will be sharing their thoughts on these three questions:

1) How did you begin blogging?
2) What do you believe makes your blog a success?
3) How do you maintain a balance between living and keeping up with your readers/followers?

Hopefully you can join the conversation next week as the ladies explore and share!!

Have an AWESOME Weekend!!


  1. Excited to hear the responses!

  2. Happy moving! It's such a pain- I know!!!

  3. Blogging makes me happy. And allows me to keep a journal of sorts for our family and that is a success to me. I do think it is all relative though. Congrats on your new home!

  4. Will definitely tune in for the interviews! Have fun putting up and decorating everything.

  5. Looking forward to hearing what they have to say!

  6. like you said, "successful blogs are very relative to the blogger."

  7. This is such a great topic for bloggers to discuss. I can't wait to read the responses!

  8. This is such a great topic for bloggers to discuss. I can't wait to read the responses!

  9. What an intriguing topic! That will be very interesting to hear the responses from those bloggers!

  10. For me, successful blogger is the one who founded great friends here :)

  11. Looking at those stats looks like I've got a SERIOUSLY long way to go! LOL but I am looking forward to the responses as well as I am sure I will learn something from all.

  12. I think that you have a successful blog site, but only you can determine that because we all have our own personal goals.
    I used to think numbers meant everything, but I don't monitor any stats at all and I feel good about that. I like that I have developed a network of friends and that means success to me. I have been blogging right over 1 year. I haven't found the formula for balance but I know that family & friends are more important than the blog. ;)

  13. Great post. People think there's this hidden answer or secret, there's really not. It's just about how you run your blog, consistency, leaving comments, sharing links, how often you blog, & content. No real secret. I was there...& wanted to know how, when etc. I'm not where I want to be blogging wise, but comfortable. So now it's time to shake things up on my main blog (beauty blog).


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