Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Funnies: Portrait of Kimye

Have you ever wondered what they would look like in the future?

Somewhere on the Web

Kanye and Kim in the future...
Why not right?
we all change as we age.
I just wonder if they will actually stay together for that long?
I doubt it...
But the picture makes for a good laugh huh???

Happy Funny Friday!!
Enjoy your weekend!


  1. I saw that and thought it was pretty funny, too (and actually pretty realistic). I like them as a couple, but I truly hope they're living their lives not giving a flip what we all think!

  2. This is hilarious!! I have to agree with you that they wouldn't last that long. And even if they did, they would have plastic surgery or something so they would look the exact same as now! Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. This literally made me laugh out loud!
    Happy Friday :-)

  4. Haha but dang even though they gained a bit of weight, Kim still looks fabulous!

  5. just got a good loud laugh out loud... almost woke the husband up! Too funny. happy weekend! xo

  6. lol, very funny! I saw this picture on facebook and couldn't stop

  7. Yea, I doubt they will stay together that long either. This is pretty funny though. Interesting to see how on point this will be.

  8. i like kimye old selves, too funny cute.


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