Sunday, July 1, 2012

LongLazySunday: Week 15

Happy July 1st....
Happy Canada's Day!!!
LongLazySunday is back...
i've been a little lazy as of late but i thought i would start up again.
This Sunday should be a long & hot lazy Sunday!
Because of the big storm...there were many power outages including at our Church.
So this morning...we laid in bed a little longer.
Went to McDonald's for breakfast and then ran around completing some errands.
The rest of the day will be spent studying, drinking lots of water 
and just enjoying some quality time with Baby Pancakes, 
going through some of his clothes and staying as cool as possible.
It ain't easy being a pregnant woman on a hot day...i'm just glad i get to be lazy!

What are you up to this LonglazySunday?
Go ahead, grab the button and share your Sunday happenings...


  1. Keep drinking water!! I'm seeing way too many pregnant women tonight for dehydration!!!

  2. you have such a cute belly. hope you do some maternity photo shoot

  3. You are such a beauty! I love the belly! :-)
    ♥ Kyna

  4. Oh my goodness!! Cutest baby bump ever!! Way to keep hydrated!


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