Friday, September 28, 2012

BabyLogues: Celebrating Month 1

Baby Pancakes, today we celebrate your Month 1 into this beautiful world!

So much has happened in your first month 
and we are forever grateful for God's mercies on your life.
The month has flown by but it feels like we've had you forever 
because you have become such a permanent part of our lives.  
And this has been true since we found out we were expecting you. 
 It's been a joy spending the last month with you.  
Sometimes we get giddy thinking about how lucky we are you are ours forever and always. 
 Everyday brings new adventurous in parenting you and we look forward to it.

We had your one month medical appointment today.  
You are doing so well BooBoo!
Here are some of your Month 1 highlights:

Weight: 10lbs, 6oz (you are growing by leaps and bounds)
Height: 22.5 inches (you have grown 2inches since birth)
Nickname: BooBoo, Little Bugger (that's Daddy's name for you), Baby Pancakes
You are Tuesday born which is awesome because in my Ghanaian culture...
you share a day of birth with my Dad.  
And your dad is also a Tuesday born which is fantastic.  
Looks Like: You are the perfect combination of your dad and I
Pacifier: No thank you!
Eating: Breast milk with formula as a supplement (Similac Advanced with Iron)
You are feeding On-Demand which is every two hours.
Sleeping: Crib but you prefer Mommy or Daddy's chest
You are not a only cry when you need something like food, diaper change or sleep!

Coming Home
You were in the NICU for three days and that was NOT part of the script.
You had some meconium (baby poop) in your lungs which apparently caused jaundice.
But then they found out you and Mommy's blood were incompatible 
and there was some transference during delivery which was not good 
so they had to transfer you (via helicopter) to another hospital. 
 As scary as that experience was, we came to the other side with you healthy.
You are our strong little man...such a fighter you are.  
And everyday i thank God for having His Angels with you at all times.

We love to cuddle you. 
Best Moment...cuddling in the bed with you! 
One of my favorite moments are when you are nursing, 
i just love to watch you.  When i don't hold you for a long period of time 
(because you are sleeping or with your dad) I miss you like crazy!
 I love seeing you sleeping on daddy's chest. It is your favorite place to sleep!

At the hospital you were bottle fed so initially i wasn't sure if you would do well on the breast. 
 For the first couple of weeks it was difficult and I would be discouraged but over the last week, 
you have been doing amazing.  You have latched and now we are both enjoying the experience.  
Sometimes you get overly excited and make the cutest sound when you can't latch properly.  
I laugh because the sound brings me pure joy.  You are probably NOT amused but i LOVE it!!!! 
 Daddy still gives you the bottle so you can have time with him. 
Oh and when you are eating..
you like to have one leg out and the other leg sitting on mommy's cute.  
And when the food is really getting have your hands in your hair!!

Oh sleeping...both your dad and i LOVE to sleep but since you've been home...
we realized we still LOVE to sleep!! But nowadays, we sacrifice sleep just so we can tend to you.  
The first week was great because you were waking up every three hours but as soon as you got used to being cuddled to DO. NOT. LIKE. SLEEPING. IN. YOUR. CRIB.  
You will do it but you cry and cry and that breaks my heart.  
We give you breaks (because i just can't listen to you cry for so long) and eventually you will fall asleep.  You love when i sing to you (I Love You is one of your favorites).  
We start the process around 7:30pm and by 10:00pm, you are sleeping.  
Your wake up time is 6am.  
You take lots and lots of naps throughout the day. 
You love your Winnie The Pooh Lounger! 
Although you are becoming more alert during the day which is nice
 because we can interact more during tummy time!

You've had MANY visitors over the past month.  
Your grandma (my mom) came and spend sometime with you 
and I think you loved it because she spoiled you...which was great.  
Both grandmas call to talk and ask about you everyday.  
Your grandfather (daddy's dad) comes to visit every Sunday and we all watch football together.  
Well you mostly sleep and eat while he is here BUT i think you will be more interactive with him this weekend when he comes to visit.
Your aunties and cousins have come by too.   
And this weekend, your big cousin from Canada is coming to visit.  
He is so excited to see you.  
Your great great granny who is 95years-old calls to check on you everyday!
 She can't wait to meet you.
The whole Church is excitedly awaiting your first day at Church 
and i cannot wait for you to go and meet everyone. You are so loved!!

Fun Facts
**You like to curl up your fingers....we joke around you are a boxer...and ready to box. 
 It is the cutest thing ever because you usually have a serious look to go with it as well.
**You are wearing still wearing newborn clothes and can fit (although loose) some 0-3clothes. 
 My favorite thing to see you wear are your white onesies, you are just the cutest thing in them.
**You don't really like tummy time but we do it.  You are most interested in the crawling part 
because you will move your legs.  But you do hold your head up really well which is great.  
**Your grandma gave you your first bath and that was fun.  You love having your hair washed.
**Speaking of hair, you have the nicest and curliest curls i have ever seen...
mommy loves to play with them.
**We've been out walking and you love this sleep or explore your surroundings.
**You are just so alert and smart...i get excited watching you grow
 and cannot wait to see you grow and develop and learn new things.
**You have the best folds ever...neck, legs and arms..

**Sometimes your mom and dad feel like NEWBIE parents 
and these are our adventures more than yours but i thought i would share anyway:
--Changing your diaper for the first time in was really stressful for me.  But we got it done.
--Giving you a bath for the first time...glad you are so patient with me.
--Putting your car seat in the car for the first took forever!
--Putting your stroller into Daddy's took us awhile to fold it.
--Plus we are thinking we need an SUV/Bigger car someday soon...
you come with a lot of stuff OR is it that we have too much stuff??
--Putting a long sleeve shirt on makes these baby clothes? 
(thank goodness for the zipper footed look so cute in them)

Looking Ahead:
To your first smile...although i thought you smiled at me a few days ago.
You enjoying Tummy Time.
Sleeping in your crib without a cry-fest!
Attending Church.
Using Cloth Diapers.
Continual growth and development in every single way!
Mommy to worry less.


All in all, we are having so much fun with you!
We look forward to every single second with you
Your Month 1 has been such a blessing! 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Summer Vacations: Janna in Vegas!

I was excited when Janna agreed to share one of her favorite summer vacations.
Janna shares her amazing and fun experiences on her blog, Perception is Everything.
Reading her post reminds me i need to get back in shape and plan a trip to Vegas ASAP!
Thanks Janna for participating!!!


Hello Team Pancakes!

When Mrs. Pancakes mentioned sharing our favorite and fun summer vacations,
I volunteered right away! I LOVE travel,
and I'm very happy to support her while she is preparing for her little bundle of joy.
 Don't you think she will be the cutest mom?

I've decided that we need to visit Vegas today.

I have been there five times, and it is a whole new experience EVERY time.
There are a million things to do, amazing food, great entertainment,
and something that everyone should experience.

If you have never experiences Vegas...You need to get on that!

I would be the one on the right:


I must say, it is QUITE hot in the summer, but it is located in the dessert.
Now I know why people barely wear clothes there...


If you haven't noticed a pattern, I could LIVE in a bathing suit.
 I love sun (don't worry, I slather on the sunblock) and I love fun in the sun
That is why I ALWAYS go to the pool parties in Vegas.
 Do you ever remember the show Rehab that was recorded in Vegas? 
This particular pool party was where they recorded it!
 Let me tell you, it is worthy of it's own show.

And this would be a bowling alley in the Hard Rock Penthouse:



Apparently that is the norm in Vegas. I'll take their word for it!

They do everything big in Vegas, so I've just learned to enjoy the ride!
Surprisingly, my hubby has never been, 
so the next adventure will be showing him the ropes. 
It's going to be the BEST trip yet. I am quite sure of it.

I love free cocktails in first class :)

Until next time Vegas...Cheers!

Thanks for having me, girl, and you better 
upload TONS of pics when baby pancakes enters this world! 
Go Team Pancakes!


Seriously Janna, that was such a fun trip.
Next me!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Birth Story: No Cute Pictures Are Included in This Post...

...Just lots and lots of words.
Feel free to scroll down to 
@2:25am for when Baby Pancakes arrived into this world!

We didn't take many pictures during my labor and delivery so there are no cute pictures.
 Although i wish i could post the one of my best friend grinning 
and giving the thumbs up sign while i am grimacing because of a contraction!! 

Anyway where do i start....

August 26th, 2012
We walked and walked.  I was ready and determined 
for Baby Pancakes to make his arrival since he had defied my Eviction notice.

August 27th, 2012 
@ 6am
I woke up in the morning and noticed that i was bleeding a little bit.
Of course for a pregnant girl, BLOOD of any kind is never good.
I told Mr. Pancakes...he as usual was calm but i could tell he was concerned.
So i waited at 8am to schedule an appointment with my doctor.

We walked to the doctor's office since it's not too far from our house.
The doctor examined me and informed us 
"You are about 4cm dilated, you are ready to have this baby!"
Our reaction, we look at each other with wide eyes 
and i tear up not believing this was actually happening.
But wait...when did my water break?
 And have i been contracting?
Honestly, i don't remember my water ever breaking...the big gush ladies talk about..
i didn't experience this.  I felt contractions but nothing too strong that morning.
The doctor advised us to go to the hospital within the hour.
So of course i made the executive decision 
NOT to go to the hospital until much later 
because i didn't want to just lay in the hospital bed all we went home.

We returned home.  I had breakfast.  
Watched TV and around 2pm i started to feel some sharp contractions...
it wasn't completely comfortable but it wasn't unbearable either.  
I received a call from the doctor's office informing me 
"You have to go to the hospital soon because 
we don't want you to have the baby somewhere else."
Of course this irritated me because i felt like 
they were more concerned with receiving their money than me being comfortable.
Anyway by 330pm the contractions were increasing....
honestly we were even able to track the contractions
 because it was ALL confusing, overwhelming and surreal for me.  
I kept on thinking..."i am going to meet Baby Pancakes soon...this is amazing!"

We finally made it to the hospital.  
The doctor wasn't too pleased with me since i had taken my time to admit myself.
  I changed into the hospital gown, was hooked up to the monitors, 
the Doctor checked me out and i was 5cm dilated. 
 Woohoo, progress!!!

The contractions were ok at this point.  I was breathing, talking to Mr. Pancakes. 
 I was able to walk around when i needed.  My plan was to watch the US Open since i want Baby Pancakes to play tennis...i thought it was perfect but the contractions became progressively more intense with each hour, so we turned the TV off.  
We turned on Pandora to the Gospel Station
 and literally it played the entire time during the labor and delivery. 
 Thank you Inventors of Pandora!!

At this point, i was definitely in labor...i can't really describe the pain...
all i remember was that it was strong and intense and with every contractions, 
i told myself "to ride the wave."  
And i continued to repeat to myself,
 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
My best friend came to visit and she was really helpful...
she held my hand when the contractions were strong.  
She was a reassuring presence in my time of need...
because as supportive as Mr. Pancakes is...
he was as nervous as i was during the entire experience.  
Although i must say he massaged my back and legs at every command.  
I was literally a mad woman from 10:00pm going.

I remember the first and second Nurse asking "Do you want something for the pain?" 
And i declined. 
 I had gone through the entire pregnancy wanting a Natural Birth.  
My mindset was this, 
"Nothing will take away the pain of child birth,
 I have to go through the pain so my baby can be born!" 
And honestly this mindset was what helped me through.  
Among other things (faith in God, relaxing mood, supportive husband, friends and family)
During the laboring process, I was in and out of the hospital bed so many times...
i was determined to have a birthing experiencing that was right for me. 
 One minute i was in bed, the next i was out, walking, 
kneeling on the floor, leaning forward on a table, 
i had the bed up, down, i was asking Mr. Pancakes for massages, water, ice, cold towel.
  I repeated all these actions over and over again as each contraction became stronger and stronger.
It was the most intense feeling i have ever had but it helped when i continued to breathe and move.  And the constant Gospel music in the background was soooooooooooo helpful. 
 At one point, i remember singing along with one of the between contractions.
I demanded for the Nurse to check out how much further i had dilated because the contractions were so frequent and intense, i was sure Baby Pancakes was ready to make his debut. 
 She checked and i had dilated to 7-8cm.

August 28th, 2012 
after 12am
I remember the Nurse saying, "We should be ready to push in an hour!"
So of course, i continued to ask Mr. Pancakes "What time is it?" every five minutes.
When you are in labor, an hour is a long time because with every passing second, the contractions become stronger and stronger!

Mr. Pancakes' aunt and father had come to visit.  
His father waited outside. 
 But his aunt was soooo helpful in that she held my hand, 
squeezing and massaging and giving me all the support i can ever ask for. 
 She was definitely a God sent.
Around this point, i had strong urges to push so of course i demanded for the Nurse again. 
 She came checked me out and said i was almost at 10cm and the appropriate effacement, 
as you can tell, somethings are literally a blur!  
She went back to her station and i went to work.  
I squated, i kneeled, i did everything that i could possibly do 
because the contractions were so frequent, intense and STRONG!!!!
I wasn't sure if i could ride the WAVE anymore. 
 Amazingly, i wasn't tired just ready to give birth to my Baby.

The Nurse came back and said "Let's try to push and see if the Doctor is ready to come."
Pushing out a baby is no joke.  My initial thought was where are the stirrups??
 Did they really want Mr. Pancakes and a Nurse to hold my legs while i pushed?? 
The answer was yes they did.
Initially, i wasn't breathing and pushing probably so this took some guidance. 
It definitely is a challenge to push for ten seconds while contracting 
but that was the only way Baby Pancakes was coming out.  
At one point, i remember the Nurse reminding me to use my stomach muscles 
and i remember telling Mr. Pancakes, "I don't remember where my stomach muscles are."

The Doctor finally made her appearance and we started the pushing. 
 On two pushes i would do great but then on the third push i would lose my breathe.  
I encouraged Baby Pancakes to come out. 
 I asked for God to help me.  
I swore a few times when the pain was too strong. 
 God i hope understands!

At some point, the doctor said "you have been pushing for almost an hour.
  If the baby doesn't come out soon, we will have to do an Emergency C section!"
I didn't experience NATURAL CHILD BIRTH to have an Emergency C Section...
i screamed in my head.
I don't know if the doctor was bluffing but after this comment, 
i was completely and utterly plugged into pushing and delivering Baby Pancakes.  
Mr. Pancakes was great in that we made eye contact and he said, "You can do this babe!"
I asked God to help me and with those two encouragement, i was ready to push my baby into this world.

The Doctor said the baby needed a little help so she had to suction him out...
i am probably using the wrong terminology but we were reassured this had little complications...

The last pushes were all or was with anticipation that i pushed and pushed and pushed...

And then i felt him come out and the water works started...i was crying and my crying increased as soon as i heard Baby Pancakes cry.   It was the most beautiful sound i had ever heard.  The nurses were able to get me to breathe and relax because i think i was crying a little too hysterically.  Which was a good thing because i was able to ask, Mr. Pancakes, "How is he? Is he ok?"

When i finally held Baby Pancakes for the first time,
 i looked into his eyes it was instant, i was in LOVE
 because i had fallen in love even before we met!


Experiencing labor and delivery naturally was the most amazing, inspiring, spiritual and Godly thing i believe i will ever do!  There are still some mysteries including: when my water actually broke or how long i had been in active labor? I will never know these answers but i know in the end,
 our Baby Pancakes was healthy and all was well in the least in the moment it was.
More to come later...about after the birth story.
Thank you for reading my loooong birth story!
Now for the fun part....

Question of the Day:
What time was /were your child(ren) born into this world?
What time were you born into this world?

Monday, September 24, 2012


I completely missed the first day of Fall and the end of Summer 
but i thought i would still share some of the Fall fashions i am falling for...
that's a lot of "f" alliterations but definitely fun!

Before i go to the fashions...can i share a little??
i had my first cup of Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks
 and maybe it's me (because while i was pregnant, i didn't go to Starbucks) 
but did the prices go up on their drinks? 
The Tall looked extra small but fairly pricey...
such a disappointment!  
Have i been out of the Starbucks loop for too long?

Anyway onto Falling...

I won't be returning back to work until November
 but i am still determined to purchase a few Fall favorites and they include:

Not an Olsen Twin but the sweater she is wearing.
An over sized a brown or beige color...
Sweater on sweater

i know i need new ones, i haven't decided if short or long...

Fall Boots :)

i haven't purchased a new purse in a long time so it's time.  
And a nice warm Fall color will be ideal!

Fall Bags

And then i want Rain Boots...
i am not sure if this is a Fall fashion necessity but i want them....
they will come in handy for walking in the leaves....right?!

Hunter rain boot.

These are the fun Fall fashions i am Falling for...

Question of the Day:
What about you...
What fashions are you falling for this Fall?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Longlazysunday: 17months of Love!

Dear Mr. Pancakes, I can't believe just a month ago I was praying for little man to come on our anniversary and here we are with him celebrating 17months of love!! I feel so blessed to be your wife. Experiencing you as a father has been the best thing ever! You holding, talking and playing with our son is such a breathe of fresh air. Both of you together melt my heart! I continue to celebrate you, our son and our marriage every single day! May we continue to love each other always and forever!! --love your wifey!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

To iPhone 5 or Not?!

I know everyone is going crazy over the iPhone 5.

I have the iPhone 4 and didn't get the 4s because i figured the 5 was coming.
At this rate...i am sure the brains behind Apple will come up with an iPhone 5s or iPhone 5.5...
i am being a bit cynical but how many new iPhones can they come up with? 
I am sure plenty more because all Apple has to do is 
tweak or add a few thing and they consider it a new product instead of an upgrade.

Last night we saw a Samsung commercial poking fun 
of Apple and iPhone without mentioning their name...because that would be tacky. 
 Needless to say the commercial and other articles I've read made me think...
is it really worth it to buy a new iPhone just because there are a few new changes. 
 Including a lighter weight,thinner, aluminum back cover,
 the touch technology is integrated right into the display,
 larger/taller screen, 
it runs faster (iOS 6), 
voice quality is better, 
the camera is superb, 
new earpods, new location of the earphone jack,
 lightening connector.  

Most of the changes appear to be fluff to me but then again i am not a very techy person. 
I am sure the iPhone 5 is the best smart phone ever created...
But does that mean that i need one?
 I know for sure i don't NEED to get it...
do i WANT to get it...of course i do.  
Am i going to get it....the jury is still out on that one.

Over 2 million pre-orders suggests the iPhone is a WANT for many people.  
Or is it a NEED?

Question of the Day:
Are you getting the new iPhone?

Phew, Baby Pancakes just woke up...gotta go!
Have an awesome day!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mommylogues: Belly Confessions

I love love Oneika's adventurous spirit...check out her blog when you get a chance.                     Clearly I wrote this post before Baby Pancakes and thought I would share it with you all because I haven't been able to get my guest posts or new posts together. Maybe next week!

I am feeling a little melancholy or something else
 about soon (hopefully in less than four days) not carrying Baby Pancakes.
Don't get me wrong...i want him here with me but at the same time,
 i am going to miss having him in my belly all the time. 

I've loved being pregnant with him.  
Knowing that he was safe, protected 
and well taken care of has been the best feeling ever! 
My mama bear fierceness was so alive as i would make my way around day to day.
My hand was always protecting my belly.
There was no way no harm was going to get to my baby.

I've loved having Baby Pancakes with me.
Wherever, i went, he was able to come with me.  
And to spend 40 weeks with someone is a wonderful thing.  
For 40 weeks i was never alone and that's been an amazing feeling.  
I've loved rubbing and talking to my belly.
And although i miss sleeping on my belly and picking up things off the floor...

I've loved every single moment of watching my belly grow...and develop
And i can't even imagine watching my little Baby Pancakes grow
 and grow some more once he is born.

There are definitely more perks with him being here...
i get to cuddle and wuddle with him and those moments i cannot wait for.
But i still couldn't help but reminisce a little about how much.                                                                  i am going to miss having him inside me.
As much as babies need the feeling of being cocooned in the womb once they are born..
i think mothers need that feeling of warmth too...feeling of protectiveness and nurturing.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Summer Vacation: Oneika

If you want to travel...i suggest going to Oenika's blog and exploring and then deciding which part of the world you want to go.  This lady has been everywhere and after visiting her blog definitely leaves  you the traveling bug! I came across her blog a while ago and realized we went to middle school together and knew some of the same people.  The world is small.  But in her experiences as a traveler, Oneika's makes the world big for all of...i hope you enjoy her post.  I wish for Baby Pancakes, a love of travel.
Thank you Oneika, take it away!!


I'm a Canadian who calls London her home, 
and has previously lived in France, Mexico, and Hong Kong.  
I've been to over 50 countries and have had a variety of experiences abroad 
including going trekking in Nepal, sailing in Croatia, and going on safari in Tanzania. 
How the heck did that happen?

Well, I’ve always had a passion for travel.  The thought of jetting off to a faraway land, with its foreign language, culture, and sometimes bizarre customs, has always excited me. 
Crazy foreign films get an A+ in my book, and I drool over foreign accents 
and get giddy when it’s time to go to the airport.

So, it came as no surprise that when the opportunity 
came up to study abroad in France for a year during university I leapt at the chance. 
After all, pourquoi pas? I was 21 years old when
 I stepped off the plane in Paris’ Charles de Gaulle airport, wide-eyed and bushy-tailed, 
and it was my first time outside of North America.

I learned a lot about life (and about myself!) after amazing year travelling around Europe,
 indulging in French food, learning more about French culture, 
and dabbling (just a little bit!) in French men (mais oui!).
 I realized that I was hooked on this travel thing!  
And thus began my intense love affair with travel. 

 I schemed and plotted and found a way to return for a second year in France.  
This time around, I worked as an English teaching assistant in a high school.
  It was then that I realized that teaching abroad 
was a GREAT way to see the world whilst getting paid. 
So I went back home to Canada and got my teaching credential,
 which certified me to teach English and French at the high school level. 
And so off I went.

I never looked back.  I decided I wanted to learn Spanish, 
so I searched for work in a Latin American country 
and ended up getting a job offer at a school in Mexico. 
After a year-long contract teaching there, I moved home to Canada, 
thinking it was time to "settle down".  
But once I was home for a little while, I started getting bored!

 I realised I was dying to experience life in Asia, 
so I moved to Hong Kong, where I taught for two years.  
I ended up falling in love with a lovely German man working in Hong Kong,
 and subsequently moved to where I live today, London, to be with him after his job transferred him there.  I've been in London about a year now, and travel maniacally during all of my school breaks and holidays.  London is a great hub for travel within Europe and beyond!

Travelling and living abroad has it drawbacks, but in general I’ve found it to be incredible.  
I think travel is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, and I blog about my travel adventures to encourage others to get out there and see the world (check me out at!).  Seeing how other people live, bearing witness to jaw-dropping sights in person, living and breathing in all the culture and history a foreign land brings is simply amazing to me!

 Oneika Raymond

Thursday, September 13, 2012

6 Things I Missed While Pregnant

My Body
before pregnancy i was on my way to a pretty amazing body.
I had just started running for my half marathon!

especially spicy tuna...need i say more.
I can't help until i can go crazy with sushi...


on my belly that is...i was always a belly sleeper.

Hanky Panky
with my husband of just hasn't been the same.
I went the complete opposite of how i usually feel...(TMI-i know)


High Heels
i am not much of a high heeled feign 
but i do like an occasional high heel and i don't know 
how people are able to wear high heels during pregnancy but i never managed too.  
i can't wait to have the choice again.

running...i was loving the feeling of my feet hitting the pavement.
And we were up to 9miles...
i managed to run/walk the half marathon 
but i want to be able to run the complete session.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Got Milk or Questions?

Thank you ladies for all your wonderful wishes...
it's been great to read during my middle of the morning feeds and toilet changes...

Today is officially 2 weeks since my little Pancakes was born and it's been bliss!!
We are getting into a routine and coming to the realization 
that all our little man is going to do for the next while is,
and cry for one of the three.  
It's been a learning experience and there are moments 
we feel like completely NEW parents and moments 
of hi-fives because we did something beautifully.
Like when Mr. Pancakes figured out before he sleeps 
he will whine and whine and then let out a loud cry before knocking out entirely.   
Baby Pancakes has been so patient with us and we are grateful.
I continue to marvel at his tiny little body and all the growing it's doing everyday.
I am one of those parents that stare at my baby as they slumber...
just in awe of God's awesome.
I am also one of those paranoid parents
 who checks on their baby too many times to count.
We cuddle and wuddle with him as often as we can...
.despite my mother's insistence we are going to spoil him.  
We just cannot get enough of him but we are also trying to get him to soothe himself to sleep.

One of the most challenging aspect of the last two weeks has been breastfeeding.
Hence the title.
Little man continues to suckle but i am also bumping
 so currently my life is all about whether i have milk?
We are getting i was able to get five ounces in one sitting...

Also i thought i would allow you all to ask questions
 if you would like about anything and everything baby...
and i will do my best to answer them.  
Kudos to all of you that are able to blog and mother...we are finding our rhythm.

Got questions or have milk advice?
Ask or tell away!!!
I will be waiting to hear from you...