Sunday, December 2, 2012

Longlazysunday: Week 4

It's been an awesome weekend. We finally made it to church. I need to start getting up earlier so we can be on time!! Mommy duties. It was a good time and Baby Pancakes did so well during the service! We are currently visiting Granny...96 years old and counting and I love to see her with Baby Pancakes... It's definitely been the longlazysunday (LLS) moment of the day! How about you...what's been your LLS moment?


  1. Ninety-six -- a blessing! What a precious moment.

    My LongLazySunday moment includes no laziness, but it's good! I'm putting the finishing touches on my FINAL projects for my EdS degree. In just a couple of hours, I'll be done with school forever (if all is approved)!

    SUCH a good feeling!

  2. Such a blessing for the baby to be able to spend time with her!! My Sunday highlights have been sleep sleep and more sleep..... Church was also good this morning!

  3. Such a beautiful pic of baby pancakes and granny. Enjoy your time with granny

    I went to the mall with my mom and the kids and got some new boots. So happy

  4. My LLS moment was taking a leisurely stroll with my family...which we shouldn't be able to do on December 2nd because it SHOULD be too cold! But it was 72 here today!!!

  5. This pic is so sweet...I always wish Emma could've met her great grandparents on both sides because we were so close to them!! That's truly a blessing!

    And Emma is almost 10 months and we still cant make it on get a pass the first year least that's how I think lol

  6. so cute!! I wish I had a LLS mine was busy busy busy.


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