Sunday, December 16, 2012

Longlazysunday: Week 6

This weekend has definitely been an emotional one especially if you've been watching the news. I've been trying not to because it just makes me cry each time!! Just senseless and unimaginable horror! God bless those children and the teachers and their families!!! My LLS moment of this Sunday is spent with my family in bed, cuddling with Baby Pancakes,
sharing fun moments with Mr. Pancakes and watching Suze Orman in bed. And leaning on God for his understanding always!! What's your LLS moment??


  1. watching football hoping the giants WIN! plus trying to help my entire family recover from a stomach virus! smh

  2. It is so heartbreaking. It really is. My heart goes out to the families of all those who were affected. I spent today on the couch nursing a cold.

  3. I had to stop watching the news. I've been watching movies with my daughter all day.

  4. This was just a sad wknd all the way around....I had to turn off the news on Friday.

  5. Definitely spent much of the weekend hugging my kids. Can't watch the news.


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