Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Inspire Me Series: Successful Blog

I wanted to continue the theme of Mom's Week with the
Inspire Me Series: Successful Blogs?

I wanted to share with you what Mommy Mimi of Lipgloss and Binky 
has to say about having a successful blog. 
If you have not visited Mimi's blog, please do so!
She does an amazing job of infusing her roles as  
mother/woman/entrepreneur/community advocate while looking fabulous! 
Here's how Mimi answered the three questions.

How did you begin blogging?
I began blogging on a fluke.
After being thrown into my roles as a pregnant housewife turned SAHM
I was longing for an outlet to the outside world
as I adjusted to my life with two children.
A very good friend of mine Erika who blogs at Blulabel Bungalow
had just started her blog and I thought I would give it a whirl and she was more than supportive and even felt pity on me and did my blog header!

What do you believe makes your blog a success?
I'm not really sure if I consider my blog to be successful,
but I think its real and I think that is what keeps people coming back and reading.
 I blog my life and my reality. The good and most of the bad.
I'm an open book but there are a few things I will never blog about.
I also think the amount of interaction that I do with my readers helps.
If its not responding to comments left on the blog its engaging on Twitter or on FB.
I truly feel like I know my readers and in some cases
I would go the lengths to help them in their personal life if I can.
The blogging community is amazing if you are genuine and connected.

How do you maintain a balance between living
and keeping up with your readers/followers?
Balance? Call me Janelle Monae I'm always on the tightrope.
There are times when I can't balance and blogging has to chill.
I try to blog on Sundays and schedule my posts and peek in during the week
to respond to comments and read other blogs.
Recently as I am trying to grow a business and keep up with a
busy 2 year old it has been hard. I take the time when I need to.
I never want blogging to not be fun so I don't force it.
I make time, but if it gets hectic I have to put my family first.
I always let my readers know what is going on with me. I hope they understand,
that I'll catch them when things calm down.
I think my track record and my word is good.
At least I hope so!



  1. This is a great post! Mimi has a fab blog! Thanks for sharing.

    Mrs. Delightful

  2. Thanks Mrs. Pancakes, this was a great post! I'll go check out her blog! :)

  3. Thanks for sharing. I just recently became a follower of her blog. Love it.

  4. Great advice. Thank you :)
    I think reader interaction is great. I'll always go back to a blog if I feel that I'm building a friendship.

  5. What a great post and advice! A great series you are introducing!!

  6. Great post! Heading right on over to see her blog. :) xoxo

  7. Lovely! That is a new blog for me, so I'm going to read it now!

  8. Love Mimi and her blog! Thanks for the great post.


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