Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Resolutions from Baby Pancake!

We ended 2011 with the news we were expecting a little bundle of joy.
And we spent the better part of 2012 getting ready for him 
and now that Baby Pancakes is couldn't be more sweeter.  
And we are looking forward to 2013 with a heart of expectancy and great expectations 
as to what God has in store for each of individually and collectively as a family.

I could do a year in review but I am not 
because just like every year there were some highs and lows. 
 Successes and failures.  Birth and death.  
But through it all...
I had my family, friends and God and that's the most wonderful part about this life.

Without question the best part of 2012 was 
my successful pregnancy and delivery of Baby Pancakes 
and watching him grow into the cutest & smartest baby ever born!! 
Team Pancakes feels blessed beyond measure 
and in the new year I hope to continue to become the best version of myself 
as a believer, woman, wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend & blogger.  

 I am not making any new year's resolution 
because I will most likely not keep them 
so I wanted to remind myself to live 2013 
from the perspective of my 4-month old son.  

1. Always wake up smiling 
2. Smile at someone you love everyday 
3. Give big hugs 
4. Give big wet kisses 
5. Do crunches just for fun 
6. Stand tall, fall down, stand up again 
7. Explore new things around you 
8. Play 
9. Laugh and smile in your sleep 
10. Do something you love everyday

I hope you join me in living 2013 like Baby Pancakes!!

Whatever you do for New Year's it in love!!
And wherever the New Year finds you...
I hope it finds you in love, peace, harmony and laughter!

Great New Years Eve 2013

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Longlazysunday: Week 8

It's another awesome longlazysunday and I didn't make it to church because again I was too tired to get Baby Pancakes and myself ready and dressed in record time to make it on time. Thank goodness Mr. Pancakes made it for us. So instead we will go to Church on NYE. In the meantime, Baby Pancakes is taking a nap and I'm having a moment. Where I want to make good healthy food choices but I am not. I ate oatmeal this morning--good choice. And now I'm having cake--bad choice. I figure this could be my last day of eating bad!! I hope:-). That's my LLS moment...what is yours??

Friday, December 28, 2012

Babylogues: Celebrating 4 Months

Today marks your 4months birthday.
Tomorrow, 12/29/2012 marks the one year anniversary we officially 
found out you were growing in Mommy's belly.
Daddy and I were at the mall when we got the call from the doctor.
We looked at each other, smiled, hugged, kissed 
and in that instant Baby our lives were changed forever.  
What a difference a year makes.

It seems like just yesterday we were coming home 
from the hospital and here we are celebrating 4months.
We've celebrated your first Christmas 
and we are going to say goodbye to 2012 and hello to 2013!
And you are doing so much Baby Pancakes...
we are just in awe of how everyday you develop a new skill!
God is pretty amazing at how He plans everything.
This month's photo session was a little different because you were moving around a lot!
Made for a fun time...

You are definitely over 13lbs and growing everyday.
We have your 4month check-up appointment coming up in a few weeks so I will update this.

You are still the most cuddliest baby ever! And your cheeks are just the softest thing ever 
and i love kissing them.  I really do hope you never grow out of this phase.

 You have been doing great with breastfeeding. 
I feed you before I leave for work and most of the 
day you have pumped breastmilk or formula as a last resort. 
 When I come home you are so excited and ready to nurse,
 I sometime feel guilty for having to work 
because it seems like you need me badly still at such a young age. 

You are sleeping in your crib every night.
  Sometimes in the morning, we co-sleep for a few hours 
so mommy can have a few hours of sleep before work while you nurse.
 I think it's the best sleep both of us have during the day! 
You are still using your Winnie the Pooh lounger...
I marvel at how big you've become since you first slept in it.
  We don't know what we are going to do when you outgrow Pooh?
 I guess we will figure it out. 
 You are rolling over so sometimes in your crib I find you in interesting positions.  
Sometimes though you look uncomfortable when your arm or leg is caught in between the crib.
  I don't know how you do it.

 You continue to use clothe diapers and appear to enjoy wearing them. 
You have not had a diaper rash which is wonderful. 
We continue to change you regularly and put lotion on you after every diaper change. 
We are thinking we need to add to you diaper clothe selection in the new year.

 You are wearing some newborn onesies as shirts, 0-3 and 3-6month clothes.  
You have moved away from wearing nothing but onesies and tights to jeans, pants and sweaters.  
You look so handsome in sweaters! 
Mommy has to refrain from buying you clothes 
because you have so many clothes all the way up to 12 months! 
At this point, you may have more clothes than your dad and I.
I can't wait for you to wear your Jordans!

This month was Christmas and we spent it with my family and you just ate it up.
You met your cousins, aunties and uncles and your AG (Aunty-Grandma) (my older sister who raised me).  
You just loved her and bonded with her so beautifully, it was the best thing to see.
At one point during our Christmas were never left alone and was always being held.
You just loved every single minute and second of it.

Baby Milestones
 I stopped reading the Baby Books everyday and I'm just admiring all your growth. 
 It seems like everyday you do something new. 
 You are now holding and grabbing onto everything. 
And 9/10 the item you grab goes into your month. 
I keep on thinking you are in the early stages of teething.
 You LOVE to stand...any chance you get you want to stand.  
You still don't like tummy time but we make sure you have them as often as possible.  
You would rather stand the whole day. 
 You have discovered your arms, legs and toes
 and it's just the cutest thing watching you stare and play with them.  
Your big cousin Y caught you putting your foot in your mouth while you were holding your toy.  
You always want to sit up while you are laying down.
 And you are trying to sit on your own but you need a little support.  
We use the boppy pillow to help you sit.
  You are the cutest little person when you are sitting all by yourself.
 Also you have started to hold your own bottle when we are feeding you. 
You are so independent...Mommy worries you want to grow up too fast.  
But I know there are some things you are doing that I have to get used to...
it's all part of your growing up process.

You had many firsts this month including your first Christmas. 
 We went to visit family in Canada and you had such a wonderful time. 
 You were the best little man and just loved meeting everyone.  
And they had fun meeting you too.  
You traveled on an airplane  for the first time and again 
you were a trooper even though we had several hours of delay. 
 You ate, slept and played with us for the most part and we believe you are going to be a traveler!  
You saw snow for the first time.  
Although we didn't get to play in it because it snowed the morning we left Canada,
 you seemed mesmerized by it when you saw it at the airport. 
 You wore your snowsuit for the first time and looked like a giant cute teddy bear. 

You LOVE to talk...and i believe you have conversations with us!!
Going to Canada.
Going to a Christmas Eve service.
Attending a Christmas party.
Opening presents.
Sending presents.
Buying daddy Christmas gifts.

Looking Ahead
Laughing (although I've heard it while you are sleeping)
Take family portraits (mommy needs to get organized)
Your blessing at Church.
Plan some Play dates
Continual growth and development in every single way!

Mommy guilt...more than anything I feel this when I have to go to work.  
You look so sad in the morning, it breaks my heart leaving you. 
My favorite part of all is coming home to you.  You are so happy to see me. 
You always smile when you see me which truly makes my heart sing with joy. 
Daddy says you get real sad if I'm not home by 5:15pm 
which is about the same time I begin to shut down if I am not home. 
 We are making it work.  But secretly Baby I want to be home with you. 
I'm glad however you are home with Daddy...he is the best and so are you.

I love you to the moon and back!!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

It was your first Christmas.
And you had an awesome one.
We spent it in Canada with my family.
We attended Christmas Eve service and you slept through it...
Although you did wake up in the middle of the ceremony and started crying...
We fed you and you went back to sleep.
Christmas morning we all woke up...
Had some tea and shortbread cookies...
You had milk...
And then we opened gifts..
And you received so many great gifts...
You are so blessed little man.
I do hope you enjoyed your first Christmas!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Celebrating 20-Months of Love

Happy 20-Months Anniversary...and I must say that I love you today more than I loved you yesterday and the day before. And as we share our first Christmas with our Baby Pancakes...I cannot help but to think just how blessed we are! I love you more and more and to the moon and back. And I love that your wore your short from our wedding day.

Longlazysunday: Week 7

I am excited this weekend because we are home this weekend with my family for Christmas and I am feeling beyond blessed.  There is something awesome about having your family around.  The laughter, the memories, the good food and company.  I love every second of family time.  This is probably the first time in a long time, we have spent Christmas with my family.  And this year is special because we get to share Baby Pancakes with everyone and it's such a blessing.
My favorite LLS moment definitely has to be my nephew holding Baby Pancakes by the Christmas tree...something so enchanting about this moment. What's your LLS moment?

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Oral-B TryOut....

I have to say the oral-B definitely made a difference for me in the last two weeks. I feel as my teeth has become a little more pearly. It also helped with removal of food particles after each meal. My likes: the smart guide was a little weird to get used to but once I learned how it worked... it was easy to follow for direction. It really did feel like going to the dentist's office. After each brush my teeth feel like a thorough clean. It's easy to charge and it remains charged for a long time. Dislikes: if I didn't charge it, I may be unable to brush. It didn't happen but it could have happened. It makes a lot of noise. It's a bit bulky. Overall it is an awesome product and definitely glad I was chosen to try this out!! Thanks to Oral-B &

Friday, December 21, 2012

Friday Funnies: Ugly Christmas Sweaters!

Happy Friday Friends...

Have you ever been to an Ugly Christmas Sweater party?
I have always wanted to go...
Here are a few funny ones....

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

#Throwback Thursday: Sitcom Girls

This Throwback Thursday...i wanted to reminisce a little about
Sitcom girls i wanted to be while growing up.
Who were the Sitcom girls you enjoyed watching?

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D.J TANNER--The Full House

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Movies...

Sometimes Chrismas is not the same without watching certain movies...
And for Team Pancakes' these are some of the movies that make Christmas...

Question of the Day:
What are some of your favorite Christmas movies?

Monday, December 17, 2012

Strength & Hope...

Sometimes there are no words...
we can just look to Him for strength and hope in what has been promised to us!

hope ♥


May your souls & spirits rest in Peace always:

-Charlotte Bacon, 2/22/06, female
Daniel Barden, 9/25/05, male
Rachel Davino, 7/17/83, female.
Olivia Engel, 7/18/06, female
Josephine Gay, 12/11/05, female
Ana M. Marquez-Greene, 04/04/06, female
Dylan Hockley, 3/8/06, male
Dawn Hochsprung, 06/28/65, female
Madeleine F. Hsu, 7/10/06, female
Catherine V. Hubbard, 6/08/06, female
Chase Kowalski, 10/31/05, male
Jesse Lewis, 6/30/06, male
James Mattioli , 3/22/06, male
Grace McDonnell, 12/04/05, female
Anne Marie Murphy, 07/25/60, female
Emilie Parker, 5/12/06, female
Jack Pinto, 5/06/06, male
Noah Pozner, 11/20/06, male
Caroline Previdi, 9/07/06, female
Jessica Rekos, 5/10/06, female
Avielle Richman, 10/17/06, female
Lauren Rousseau, 6/1982, female (full date of birth not specified)
Mary Sherlach, 2/11/56, female
Victoria Soto, 11/04/85, female
Benjamin Wheeler, 9/12/06, male
Allison N. Wyatt, 7/03/06, female

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Longlazysunday: Week 6

This weekend has definitely been an emotional one especially if you've been watching the news. I've been trying not to because it just makes me cry each time!! Just senseless and unimaginable horror! God bless those children and the teachers and their families!!! My LLS moment of this Sunday is spent with my family in bed, cuddling with Baby Pancakes,
sharing fun moments with Mr. Pancakes and watching Suze Orman in bed. And leaning on God for his understanding always!! What's your LLS moment??

Saturday, December 15, 2012


There are some things in this world that are just unimaginable and one of them happened Friday.
How is that someone can go around killing innocent people?
This boy who is just a child himself can take away the joy and spirit of so many...
It is just sad and unthinkable.
I have goosebumps just writing this...

I am sure like myself everyone is having a difficult time with this incident.
I couldn't even bring myself to read or listen to the news until this morning...
I read the accounts of the horror by teachers and children, saw pictures of parents and children crying
and the sadness is just beyond me.

I am saddened by the whole situation in Newton at Sandy Hook...
As a new first thought was my baby....
even though he was nowhere near the heart ached for his peers. 
I imagined his innocent eyes that depend on me. 
And i could see the innocent eyes of those children looking around the classroom,
uncertain of what was happening.  And just feeling scared and unsure of what is happening. 
 I think of the teachers and other staff at the school who helped and tried to protect the children who came into harms way.

I think of a mother who was murdered by her own son. 
A child she carried for 40 weeks and loved for 20 years. 
I think of the selfishness of this boy's actions.

I think about the children who will not celebrate Christmas with their families.
The families who will miss their loved ones this Christmas and every Christmas afterwards...

I think about guns that do so much harm.
And laws that allow guns to be made and registered to be used safely and unsafely.

I think of nothing today but the lives that are lost...
I think of God who is great and knows.
I look to Him for comfort.
To Him I look for understanding!
God Bless the children and families of
Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday Funnies: Dance Your Buns Off!

I hope this makes your day as much as it made mine!
Little Pug is too cute...I woud take him home!!!

Happy Friday Friends!!

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

What To Do With Disappointments?

This is a question I am pondering today
because I had a situation which I wanted to go my way and it didn't. 
This, of course, is not the first time I've had a disappointment
but sometimes some disappointments sting a little more than others. 

What do you do with disappointments?

Some people take it personally and it rocks their world.
I think of the London Nurse who decided to take her life
when she had a disappointment with a work situation. 
Leaving behind children, husband family, colleagues and friends.
I think of the Football player who for whatever reason decided to kill his girlfriend and himself...
leaving behind a three month old daughter.  I am assuming that he was disappointed with something.

These two scenarios are of course a little extreme but that's how some people deal with taking their own lives and the lives  of others.

Some people eat.
Some people cry.
Some people do yoga
Some people keep their disappointments inside.
Some people share their disappointments verbally.
Some disappointments are kept hidden, never to be seen again.
Some disappointments are brushed off...hence JayZ's statement..."brush your shoulders off."
Some people are stuck in their feelings when disappointments occur.
Some people are better than most to deal with disappointments.

I am reminded
however it's in the disappointments and failures in our lives when we grow the most.
When God can turn something negative into something positive.
When He takes you up into his arms to shield you from what you don't know is coming toward you.
When His strength is bigger than your disappointments and failures.
When He can make our disappointments and failures successes.

Sometimes disappointments occur to remind us "we are exactly where we are supposed to be."
Life is not as bad as the disappointment is making it out to seem.
There is something better around the corner for us....
maybe not immediately but always right on time.

We cannot allow disappointments to define our situation in life...
Because it is only but a blip in an otherwise wonderful and amazing life.
And I'm reminded of the powerful phrase, "And this too shall pass."

Question of the Day:
What do you do with disappointments?

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