Sunday, January 30, 2011

LongLazySunday: Family Times!

My longlazysunday was spent flying today. 

I am visiting family and friends for a few days. 

I'm already missing Mr. Pancakes but i am sure i will survive for a few days.

It was definitely an early and long sunday but i hope to enjoy time well spent with the fam before the wedding.

A relaxing time together before all the craziness of the next couple of months leading up to the wedding!

I want to be relaxed enough to enjoy the most amazing day i will spend with my friends and family!

I hope you enjoyed your long lazy sunday!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Life Goes On...

In spite of all the things that are going on health wise for my future hubby and i, we continue to remain solid and move ahead with our lives as best as we can.  The wedding planning continues and building our married life together continues.  We are both pretty faithful people so with a game plan in hand, prayers to God and lots of "i love you's" we will definitely move ahead and hope that our lives will enfold as it may.  Beautifully with loads of health.

On the wedding planning side, we sent out our invitations and some people have already received and responded which is exciting.  On the other hand, i have been busy with many DIY projects and i will be sharing with my wonderful ladies pretty soon.  I am excited about them because they are simple but definitely something that i put a lot of heart into.

Hope everyone has been safe in the snow! Drive slow and take it easy!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Health and Marriage

As the wedding date approaches Mr. Pancakes and I have had several medical things that have come up which has allowed us to discuss issues around health and being married. I am glad that we have had a long engagement because it has allowed us to go through several experiences that we can discuss and deal with accordingly.

When you are about to get married, as females, we tend to think about the wedding, the beautiful house we are going to have, the awesome jobs and vacations and the babies that will look like the both of us. There is plenty of time for all the fantastic thing that will happen between us. I suppose the positives are great because it allows for a euphoric feeling. But these health related events have made me think more what our vows will mean when we say them:

I take you Mr. Pancakes/Mrs. Pancakes to be my (wife/husband),
 to have and to hold from this day forward,
for better or for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish;
from this day forward
until death do us part.

It has brought a completely different meaning to the vows we will say to each other, only three months away. I'm humbled in having gone through these experiences just to give me a jolt of reality in the midst of all the excitement of the wedding planning. 

God truly blessed me when he brought Mr. Pancakes into my life.  He continues to be more than supportive and if anything i know now for sure that he is the man of my dreams.  

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Longlazysunday: Being GM

I went to church a little and instead of going home to nap again, I thought I would head over to my bff's house to visit with my godson and enjoy some good qaulity bonding time. He had some surgery done this week but you wouldn't even know it because he continues to be his usual go lucky happy self and I love that about him.

I'm sure most babies are happy and smily and easy going but I love the fact that I get to be around such a baby. Whenever I am around, I can't help but smile and be happy myself. He is awesome. As I write this entry, he is lying on my nap taking a nap. Spending time with him is always great because I am reminded of how much I'm not ready to be a mother.

Being a mother means giving everything of yourself so that you can give all of your time, efforts ad energy to this little person who depends on you for everything. I know God will make a way for me to become a mother but in the meantime I'm too selfish to be a mommy. So for now I get the opportunity to bond with my godson and enjoy his company for a few hours!

Being GM-godmom-is the best role for now (by the way don't you love GM instead of godmother, sounds so chic!) . And as he sleeps, I'm reminded of how amazing and lovely motherhood is and how I can't wait to get there...someday somewhere! I can't wait for Mr. Pancakes and I to be blessed with Mini Pancakes or Little Pancakes or Baby Pancakes! I guess I will work on the name.

But it's been an awesome Longlazysunday. A little cold outside but definitely warm and cuddly inside.
Hope your sunday was enjoyable!

Go Steelers!!!!(Mr. Pancakes is a fan!)

                   I love this picture..
                   ain't it cute?!

Friday, January 21, 2011

FOOD & DRINKS 101: Taxes!!!!


We met with the venue today and although Mr. Pancakes and I have scaled down our budget a great deal.  We are still substantially going to be spending a lot of money to "take our family and friends" out to a fancy dinner. Which is fantastic and great but at the same time we are trying to be smart without breaking the bank.

However as we met with the banquet manager, something came up that i hadn't really processed well until today was the TAXES! Don't get me wrong, I knew it would be added to the price but i didn't think it would be THAT MUCH TAXES! Definitely a little sticker shock!!!!

As i write this post, I'm sure it will take me few days to digest the idea of all the taxes! The whole wedding planning has made me aware of many things which i never thought about before.  And to potential bries out there, it's important to think about these things. 

All those bridal shows i watched on tv and never once did i think about "geez i wonder how much all of these pretty things cost?" All i could think was "how pretty." But in the commericalization of the wedding planning,  I'm learning about the things that are important for Mr. Pancakes and I..

Was there anything during your wedding planning that made you sticker shock?!!
Or just turn you off the wedding planning process?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Seeking: Honeymoon Location Ideas!

Honeymoon! Mr. Pancakes and I initially wanted to go on a mini-moon somewhere like North Carolina where he proposed to me. Then later on we would do a full honeymoon but then I decided we might as well have a complete honeymoon to relax and just have fun for a week. Now we've decided and I don't know where I want us to go. Do we do the Caribbean? Mexico? Hawaii? California? Europe? Africa? There are so many nice places to go. I have always wanted to go to Los Cabos, Mexico but only if I can go to a luxury resort. The thing with looking online is that there are so many resorts but since I have never been and don't know many people that have gone, I am at a loss for who to go to! So then I thought, I will turn to my bloggin' buddies for location ideas! Please please help!!!!! If you've been to a great resort for honeymoon, vacation, family reunion, for whatever that had a fantastic resort and was an amazing place just to relax and have fun, please leave your ideas for me! I could always go to a travel agent but I prefer word of mouth from peeps I kinds sorta know! Thanks ladies...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

LongLazySunday: Being Grateful!

This sunday was spent being grateful because of some things that happened at work. Due to some budget cuts, some of our staff had to be laid off which is always difficult especially when you enjoy your co-workers. Due to this, my Longlazysunday was spent being truly grateful for having a job. I cannot imagine being laid off in these difficult economic times. Like Mr. Pancakes said, "we are truly blessed!"

This sunday was also spent with my "wolf-pack"--my closest friends--doing some wedding related shopping (watch will make more sense!) I have been doing a lot of my wedding projects on my own with Mr. Pancakes encouraging and supporting me but it was nice to add the girls input.  I kind of like doing things on my own but today was nice to include other people's input and ideas.  It was helpful to bounce ideas off my "wolf-pack!"  My god-son was there too who is the baby-wolf of our "pack." 

Anyway i hope that everyone had a grateful LongLazySunday! I know it is stuff out there economically however it is great to be reminded that we are luckier than most!  And it is imperative to just take time to be thankful and grateful...especially on a sunday. What a great time!

Happy Martin Luther King Day...i hope you spend the day dreaming about the potential of humanity!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Happy Friday!

Hope your Friday starts well. Some of you may have a long weekend. Enjoy it. Hope it's spent with friends and family. With the recent events in Tuscon and the weather conditions in parts of the country, take time to enjoy the people around you and just live life abundantly because we are definitely not promised tomorrow! Cheers bloggin' buddies!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Should i be freaking out?!!

Our wedding is less than four months away
and there are still much to do!
Should i be freaking out?!

We have yet to meet with the venue to talk about the food, drinks and everything in between.  I kinda of have a lot of things in my mind about what i want and what i want things to look like including decor! Since we are doing a package, our choices are not that much however we do need to choose various things like cocktail and other details.  I am completely excited about doing all this stuff.  When we finally get to it. Maybe next month.

Our invitations are going out this month (by the end of the month).
Mr. Pancakes and his peeps have yet to meet about their suits (and i keep telling him i am watching him!).  I will not meddle at all! I want him dressed, colour coordinated and at the church looking handsome!
We are still looking at honeymoon locations! I so want to go to Los Cabos.  It's been a fantasy of mine for so long.
I have yet to do my hair/make-up consultations!
I don't have any kind of music, ceremony/reception or otherwise.

Most brides will be freaking out but i am taking everything in strides!
Most of the brides on all these wedding blogs are completely over zealous and organized for my kind.
I am an easy going bride so where most people might be freaking out, i am just taking one task at a time and hoping to have everything done in 100 days!

Like the sign says i know when to keep calm and carry on.
And i hope i will know when to now panic and freak out!

Was there every a time when you freaked out during your wedding planning days?
When do you freak out?
When was the last time you freaked out?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

LongLazySunday: Ikea

As we are in the process of fixing up our new apartment, Mr. Pancakes and I went to Ikea. And I have to tell you there are many families that spend their lazysundays enjoying Ikea.

This is our first time as a couple going to Ikea. I was teasing Mr. Pancakes that now we are a full fledged couple since we went to Ikea together! Don't get me wrong we've gone to other furniture store but Ikea is such an experience in itself!

Just working together to choose furniture can bring up issues in communication and relating with one another. I believe if you and your partner can walk through that Ikea maze among all those items and distractions and make it to the marketplace in one piece without killing each other but actually making a purchase, you have come a long way as a couple in the relating/communicating department.

Mr. Pancakes and i were able to make it through the maze (we had to take  a few short cuts because Ikea truly overwhelmes me!) and make a few purchases!

Therefore, my question for this longlazysunday is would you agree that walking through Ikea helps with communication and relating with your partner?

Hope you've enjoyed your sunday thus far!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Play That Funky Music...DJ

Wedding Planning 101: When your fiance says he will take on a task and he does not follow through after several months when your wedding is less than FOUR MONTHS away, you take over!

This is exactly what i did when Mr. Pancakes decided he would get the DJ and months and months later, he was not following through.  So i asked if it would be okay if i called a friend of a friend of a friend who knows someone who knows someone that is a great DJ.  Plus i saw him DJ at a party and he was more than amazing! He was amicable, easygoing, fun and was dancing to his own jams, i like DJs who can dance to their own music! After the formalities are done, i would love to have a party! This is one of the reasons i wanted to have a wedding in the first place was to have a party with my Mr., family and friends! If that wasn't the case, we would have just had a church ceremony and a nice dinner at a beautiful chinese restaurant!

And the best part about the DJ is that he is more than affordable because he is a friend of a friend who knows a friend who knows a friend! I think Mr. Pancakes was proud that i was able to find a DJ at the price that we wanted! It's fantastic! And it's almost a week into 2011 and i am accomplishing tasks! I have a great feeling about this year!

Ladies, how are you hanging in there? Has the first of the week been going well?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Gifting My Future Husband!

I completed a poll on my blog for what gifts other brides gave to their future husbands?  and the number response was WATCH. 

I was leaning towards this anyway because the first gift i ever got for Mr. Pancakes was a Guess watch for his birthday!  And we had only been dating for about four months and he loved it.  Last year for his birthday i also got him a watch which he loved even more! 

Therefore it has become our getting him watches!  So guess what i am getting Mr. Pancakes as his gift on our wedding, of course a watch! But this time, i will be getting him a more sturdier watch that will last him a lifetime! And i am going to get it engraved.

I haven't come up with exactly what i am going to be engraving on this watch but i am thinking of something like:
--our names/our love is timeless
--loving you is time-less
--This time i'm yours forever!
--wedding date/mr & mrs pancakes
--Time is on our side!
--our love is eternal

Well as you can see i don't know quite yet what i am going to write on the watch.  But i am sure in three months, i will come up with something to gift him that will be amazing  and willl take my groom's breath away!

What did you gift your future husband for your wedding day?
Did you get it engraved??

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Right now I'm on the bike at the gym working but a sweat. Longlazysunday was spent going to church, earlier than I would get on 2010! So far i am definitely doing well in the new year! My exercises have been going well, I ran yesterday and I think went a little hardcore on the weight training so my back hurts but I will be fine! I drank some muscle recovery drink last night and it really helped! Check out supplements at They've been pretty awesome to me so far! Anyway it's a little rainy on my side of the world but makes for a cozy Longlazysunday! I hope everyone has been doing well in the new year so far! Cheers!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Hope everyone had a fantastic new year's eve!
I am having an awesome new year's day!
This morning, i went for a nice 30-minute run and some tone work-outs!
Wii Party at my girlfriend's home this afternoon!
The evening with my future-hubby to be!
This is starting to be a fantastic year thus far!