members home during the holidays. But today I pay tribute to wedding traditions including the Something blue, something old, something borrowed, bouquet/garter toss, the father daughter/mother son dances, the first dance and a slew of other wedding traditions! When I first started blogging I reflected on the easiness of the wedding planning due to the deadlines and countdowns of various activities as your wedding date comes close. In many ways the traditions also help to organize the wedding day into a manageable day! There us also a sense if purpose to a lot of the traditions and most people I would like to believe buck the some wedding traditions. I know my older sister when she got married did not want to wear a veil however another family member insisted she had to wear a veil because it was... You guessed it...TRADITION! And although my sister was a grown woman and could make up her own mind, she went along with tradition! Why do I write a blog about paying tribute to wedding traditions? Glad you asked!

Mr. Pancakes has decided to forego the wedding traditions of wearing a boutonniere! There i said it! Most wedding pictures i have seen, every single bride is wearing one. If it is not a flower, it is something unique to the groom and most grooms follow the tradition! I don't really care either or but i wanted to pay tribute to all things wedding traditions (i will probably rant and rave thursday about this!) because for some weddings are all about wedding traditions! For others, it is all about bucking those trends and definitely my future husband and myself are definitely okay with bucking trends! The wedding traditions that i am bucking are going to be: the garter toss--i really don't want Mr. Pancakes going up my leg, acting like he can't find it in a goofy manner--i have instead opted for him tossing a football to his buddies (as a way to pass on that fun, easy going life that is bachelorhood) and the holding of the bouquet during the first entrance into the banquet hall (why do people hold their bouquets? looks awkward!). Kudos to grooms and brides that stick to all and or most of the wedding traditions!
Ladies, what wedding traditions are a must and or what wedding traditions did you and Groom buck??
Interesting post. I'm curious as to why Mr. Pancakes does not want to wear the boutonniere. Is it because he thinks it's tacky? LOL. Our wedding ceremony was the most important part for us. In our ceremony we made it clear that two Christ followers were uniting in marriage. That was important to both of us. The rest of the stuff (well not all of it) was really to please family and friends. I guess we came to the point (before the wedding) when we realized what was most important to us and things were a lot less stressful.
Mrs. K...He does the bouts are tacky..i am glad too that we agree on the big issues...
Funny thing - in all of my wedding pics, none of the groomsmen have on their boutonnieres. In the moment, on wedding day, I never noticed. Not until I looked back on the pics and discovered a pic from the end of the night - the entire box of boutonnieres shoved in a corner! *lol*
We kept it kinda traditional. The ceremony itself was short and sweet, although we did add the unity prayer and a Pablo Neruda love poem.
Lol..thanks for the bout it...Ooh i do like the idea of a poem...
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