When you are about to get married, as females, we tend to think about the wedding, the beautiful house we are going to have, the awesome jobs and vacations and the babies that will look like the both of us. There is plenty of time for all the fantastic thing that will happen between us. I suppose the positives are great because it allows for a euphoric feeling. But these health related events have made me think more what our vows will mean when we say them:
I take you Mr. Pancakes/Mrs. Pancakes to be my (wife/husband),
to have and to hold from this day forward,
for better or for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish;
from this day forward
until death do us part.
It has brought a completely different meaning to the vows we will say to each other, only three months away. I'm humbled in having gone through these experiences just to give me a jolt of reality in the midst of all the excitement of the wedding planning.
God truly blessed me when he brought Mr. Pancakes into my life. He continues to be more than supportive and if anything i know now for sure that he is the man of my dreams.
so sweet! That part of the vows is truly important.
To love is to be there no mater the circumstances.
I wish you both good health, and I hope everything is ok. It sounds like you two have a really solid and strong relationship.
Neat post. I wish you both all the best. People tend to forget the "for better or for worse" part also lol.
Great post...I agree people do tend to forget the for better or for worse part. Im glad God bless you with a husband and very happy for you
Aww.. that's the sweetest thing ever. It's really great that you guys are thinking of these things now because it's a part of marriage and a part of life.
Thank you ladies for the well wishes...i am prayerful and hopeful that everything will work itself out.
My husband has a chronic illness and the "sickness in health" also have special significance for us.
Sending you healthy thoughts :-)
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