Even before Mr. Pancakes and i got married, we had talked about establishing roots. You see over the past several years, i have moved too many times to count. And since Mr. Pancakes and i moved in together and got married, we have moved three times.
Now that we are married (and healthy:-), i am hopeful we will establish roots somewhere soon. (i am starting to hate the kitchen in our studio--it's functional but so small). The somewhere is the challenge. We would like to make a move and settle in the next several years after our plan of being debt free, saving money and just being ready financially and emotionally.
Plus Dave Ramsey suggests being married for at least one year before knowing how far to live from your in-laws:-)

The somewhere could be the East or the South. I feel as if currently we are in transition because we love living out East however we really want to establish roots somewhere in the South.
I do not know much about the South except that the standard of living is cheaper and we could live in a nice big house with a large yard (and afford it)!
Has anyone moved from the East to the South.
What was your transition experience like?
Any suggestions and or ideas about where Team Pancakes should settle?
I have lived in Georgia for the past 20+ years. Are you looking for city life or something more rural?
I live in Stockbridge, which is about 20 minutes from downtown Atlanta and love it! I just bought my house on my own last year and it was the best decision ever. You will get plenty of house with plenty of yard and more at a very reasonable price. Let me know if you need any info.
i don't know much about the South but i watch HGTV a lot and the houses & lot are huge & so much less! i would tell you to move to NY that way we can meet, haha :)
good luck on the search! i know wherever you both end up, you will both love it, together.
We lived in Atlanta (the actual city, not a suburb) for 10 years and loved being there first 8 years (long story). the metro ATL area is still a good place to raise a family. We have lived in Dallas for the last 3 years and plan move soon. This will be the last time because once you have kids it gets harder to pick up and go.
I live in South Carolina. The cost of living is cheaper but less money is made here as well (of course that depends on your profession). I wouldn't necessarily recommend South Carolina especially since I'm planning to move myself. Georgia, North Carolina, and Florida are good options. Hopefully I'll be moving to one of those states within the next year. I suggest visiting to see how you like it and what stands out to you. I initially wanted to move to Georgia or North Carolina but after visiting Florida again I can see myself living there. Since you have a few years, just try to travel and see what you like best.
I'm a midwest girl, and always will be...but there is something wonderful about having a nice big yard & a wonderful house to come home to! If you can swing it...I'd have this be your goal! It's perfection!
Hi Mrs. Pancakes and welcome to NOBH! Thank you for linking up to NOBH! Glad to have you! I haven't moved alot and was born and raised where I currently live, on the East Coast of NC. Love it here and the weather is great! NC has it all with the ocean on the east coast, mountains in the west. Best wishes with your discernment on where to settle and establish your roots! It's not always an easy decision, but it must be exciting to try to decide what is best for your family!
We live in the south. (Florida) Aside from our horrible real estate market, things are going well! Although, that's bad news for current homeowners, not potential buyers like you. I'm not a huge fan of Florida (not very pretty unless you like the beach) but Georgia, and the Carolinas are my favorite places in the world. The culture there and the standard of living are all appetizing. :)
We were thinking somewhere in TN. But we went to NC and loved it there too but we know some people in TN. The hubby had been andl loved it, i have yet to go. Any thoughts on that area.
I can't wait to get out of where I am. I feel like the walls are closing in on me. I have 2 girls under 2 and the toys are overtaking us in our small house. I seriously have a couch a tv and all plastic things in my living room!
New follower from tuesday blog hop
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I am from Montreal, Canada so pretty East and moved to Augusta, GA for 9 months with my husband. For me it was a shock, not only was I the USA, I was in the South. Very different! However, with that said, I really liked the South. Not Augusta mind you but the South. Everyone is sooooooo nice and polite. They would give you their right arm if they had to!
I did a double take when I saw that house. So gorgeous. We live in an area with affordable housing but the downside is lack of jobs. We got our house for about 25% of what it would cost in a big city in Canada. There's pluses and minuses. Look forward to seeing where life takes you.
Hi Pancakes,
I listen to Dave Ramsey as well, and trying to get debt-free and I love pancakes! I grew up in Missouri and that's a far south as I would like... or maybe South Africa (hehe). In Southern California now and loving San Pedro. Good luck in your adventures and did i say I found you from the Alexa hop and am now following you. Come visit when you get a chance.
Well, I'm a Western girl myself BUT my best friend and her fiance live in Louisville, Kentucky and I have to say I am so impressed by the culture and charm of the city but the friendliness and warmth, as well. And yes, it's MUCH more affordable!
Stopping by from the I <3 Blogging blog hop :)
Four years ago we picked up and moved from MI to SC and while it was an adjustment, it was the right choice for us.
Yay for Dave Ramsey! He's the bomb. :) Well, don't come to Texas...it's so stinking hot here in the summer that we are miserable and looking to move northwest after my kids graduate. Whew...it's hot! Good luck in finding your place, though. Lots of fun to set down roots...take lots of pictures!
We love Dave Ramsey too! My husband and I led a small group in our home a couple years ago and read his book. We try our best to live like no one else so we can live like no one else. Similar to Young House Love (awesome blog!) we want to relocate from NYC to VA someday. My parents relocated to VA just last year, but we don't want to live too, too close. LOL! My husband's family is in NYC and surprisingly we see my family in DC more. Northern VA is so beautiful and I like how it's south but still east. Good luck with deciding!
Just found your blog on Thirsty Thursdays blog hop. Mr Ramsey is correct. Once you have experienced every holiday and every birthday with a family ( In law) you know whether you want to snuggle in or move AWAY! Happily married for 17 years. New Follower. come have a laugh on me at http://realaryofmoms.blogspot.com
I would love to move to the south (my family is from there originally), but DH is a city boy at heart! It will take a lot of work to get him there (lol), but i know in my heart that our boys' quality of life will be better. He knows it too. So.... we shall see!
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