Before i went in for the biopsy, i really did not know the function of my thyroid. I remember Oprah mentioning it in an episode. Therefore, i knew the thyroid had something to do with weight gain. But the purpose of the thyroid is more than that.
The purpose of your thyroid gland is to produce store, and release thyroid hormones into your bloodstream. These hormones into your bloodstream. These hormones, called T3 and T4, affect almost every cell in your body and help control your metabolism. Thyroid cells take up circulating iodine from the blood to create T3 and T4, which are then released into the bloodstream and carried to organs in the body, including the liver, kidneys, muscles, heart and brain.

Therefore, the thyroid gland is an important function of the body. And when i received the diagnosis for thyroid cancer, i felt that my thyroid had given up on me. I felt betrayed in a lot of ways. The different parts of my body were supposed to work together for my health and wellness. And i felt that with the diagnosis, this wasn't happening.
Initially, i hated that God had allowed this to happen to me. His child. I had several pity parties in the beginning. I would cry and cry. And feel sorry for myself. Mr. Pancakes would hold me during these moments. He prayed with me. He prayed over me. He was and is such a rock during this difficult time.
I always prayed to marry a man that was God-fearing and during this storm in our lives, i knew why i wanted such a man. When i told him about the diagnosis (i found out just before our second pre-marital counselling appointment with our pastor), he did not panic. He gave me a hug, kiss and told me that "you are going to be okay! everything is going to be okay." And i truly believed him.
Therefore, when i was weak, Mr. Pancakes was strong for me. When i wanted to hate God, he reminded me of God's purpose and his promises in our lives. When i did not have faith, he had plenty for us!
Therefore, when i was weak, Mr. Pancakes was strong for me. When i wanted to hate God, he reminded me of God's purpose and his promises in our lives. When i did not have faith, he had plenty for us!
Mr. Pancakes became God's strength here on Earth for me during this storm. And even before we said our "i do's", he was loving me the way God loves us: unconditionally and without measure!
To be continued...which thyroid cancer is it anyway?
God surely blessed you with a God fearing man. Glad that you had someone to be your rock during your difficult time. It is great to always have someone to remind you that God's plan is always the best plan, even when that plan is hurtful and doesn't make sense.
Thinking and praying for you.
Wht a touching post.
"Therefore, when i was weak, Mr. Pancakes was strong for me. When i wanted to hate God, he reminded me of God's purpose and his promises in our lives. When i did not have faith, he had plenty for us!
Mr. Pancakes became God's strength here on Earth for me during this storm. And even before we said our "i do's", he was loving me the way God loves us: unconditionally and without measure!"
These lines shows how much God loves you and always answer your prayers. That's why he answered your prayers with an amazing man like Mr Pancakes.
I am so happy for you to have such an amazing man.
May God's blessing keep coming your way.
Prayers your way. A big hug.
Stay strong girl. You'll win the fight. Have faith in Him. Am glad that you have Mr Pancakes with you.
During treatment, you'll be experiencing different emotions. Conflicting emotions most times. Do not bottle out your emotions. Share it with your loved ones. And if you need help from the nurses or doctors, voice it out.
Most importantly...speak to God.
I'm sorry you've had to go through all this! WIshing you nothing but good thoughts.
Funny how we have no idea what are organs and body parts are doing yet we just expect them to operate and do their thing to keep us alive. How scary to literally be betrayed by your body like that. It's great that you had your wonderful hubby to support you through it.
*hugs* good luck! and prayers sent your way.
Newest Follower via GFC. Found you on a Monday Blog hop! I checked out your blog & I love it! I would love it if you came and checked out my blog and followed back via gfc as well. Have a great week!
Mama's Passions
I am so glad you have Mr. Pankcakes in your life to keep you grounded and counting your blessings. I do not know what it is like to have cancer, but I do know you need an amazing support system, and it looks like you have that. I hope you are able to beat this.
I am a new follower from the Parent's Retreat Blog Hop. Have a great Monday.
Heather From and Mommy Only Has 2 Hands!
What a blessing that you have such an incredibly strong and supportive man standing beside you through it all.
Praying for you!
Praying for you!!
Hi, I thought I would share with you my unforgettable experience. I am forty years old and have low thyroid when I was young. I tried dieting and exercise..but it didn't seem to help much. I had to take desiccated bovine supplements and its working fine. It's like a miracle and can't believe I'm better than I was before.
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