These are the words i read this morning that changed the post i was preparing.
This friday i was going to join in the fancy fridays where you talk about fashion items i am swooning over.
I was going to gripe a little about subatoging my diet.
But the words above changed all that and left me wanting to reflect on these powerful words.
I'm not ready to die!
I was choked up when i read them because when push comes to shove, are we really ever ready to die?
I know as a Christian, I am taught to believe and know that death comes to all of us
and if i believe Jesus Christ as my personal savior, he died,
but rose again and he will come again on judgement day,
then i will go to Heaven.
Knowing all this does not mean i am ready to die.
Or makes it easier to face about death and dying.
Leaving this earth, i know earth is not my home and or final destination,
but that doesn't make leaving it any easier.
I read, "I'm not ready to die" from Sunshine at Cancer in the City.
Her dear friend, who is dealing with Multiple Scolerosis, uttered these words
and my heart broke for both of them.
I don't even know the friend and i wanted to reach out and give her a hug.
She has a beautiful son, a wonderful husband and her whole life to live,
of course she is not ready to die.
I wouldn't either!
I am not even sure where i am going with this post...
but i was moved and touched by her words.
There are so many people dealing, struggling, suffering
with some kind of illness that is beyond their control.
I went to a revival at my church yesterday and the revivalist reminded us
to count our joys regardless of whatever trails and tests we are going through.
To look at the bright side of a situation...
because the situation/crisis/illness is meant to pass and NOT to stay.
Sometimes all this is possible...other days,
it's hard to count our joys
and look at the bright side
and wait for the situation/crisis/illness to pass!
Sometimes all you can do is be honest with yourself, your emotions/feelings
and utter the words: "I am not ready to die" and hope that someone hears you.
And gives you some words of encouragement and comfort.
Sunshine reminded her friend to pray.
And I heard Sunshine's reminder and felt her friends pain and sorrow...
And reminded of how big our God is...
and i am praying for her friend.
I don't regularly do this BUT i am asking you to say a prayer for Sunshine's friend
who is dealing with MS and is just not "ready to die!"
Prayer changes things.
When multiple people gather to pray in unison, things happen and lives are changed.
Joys are counted,
brighter days are had
and situations/crisis/illness passes.
Thank you so much for helping me do this for Sunshine and her dear friend.
p.s: please tell someone you LOVE them today.
Say a prayer,
Give a hug,
a butterfly kiss,
a hand to hold
a should to cry on,
a reason to smile, hope, be faithful!

I will definitely say a prayer for Sunshine's friend. I am afraid of death not because of death itself but because I am afraid to not know how my husband is or that he is ok or our dogs are ok. I know its a silly way to be right? I am going to add Sunshine and her friend into my prayers today. Thanks for this post Mrs. Pancakes.
Lovely post Mrs. Pancakes.. I am definitely keeping them both in prayer! Like Nini said, I am afraid of death because I don't know how my family will be after I am gone. That has always been my worry..
If HE leads you to it, HE'LL lead you through it...sending prayers for her today :)
Wow what a post. Thanks for sharing! I'm thankful I'm not afraid to die because of the hope I have in Jesus!
beautiful words. definitely some good things to think about this weekend and a great reminder to be thankful for life and health!
Oh my...this is a tough post to write. I am impressed with the courage you mustered to write this. This is the very last stage in our life and while we dread this stage, it is absolutely guaranteed in this lifetime to happen.
I'm not sure if I am ready to read that blog but I did open it up in a tab and will get to it.
Two days ago I found out that a family friend of ours is going to die. They found five brain tumors in her, and have given her five months tops. She has two children, one in grade 2 - the other in grade 6. It's devastating. Is she ready to die? Absolutely not. She is not supposed to die at 38 years old. She is NOT supposed to die. But she's going to heaven (at least I'm pretty sure about this fact.) My heart still breaks.
I know that eternity is going to be amazing. Absolutely amazing and I can't wait, but i'm not ready to die. I hate that I can't live my life like I am going to die tomorrow - that's how we should embrace life.
I too, suffer from Multiple Sclerosis. I'm scared to read the post but I'm praying.
That was an awesome post and it really touched my heart. Thank you so much for sharing on your site.
WOW, this is a tough post indeed.. It totally touched me as I am gearing up to invite blogger's all around to blog for a cause a day - My cause is Cancer.. I initially came over to invite you and reading this is all the reason I need to.. Please check out this post of mine and I would LOVE to have you be a part of my Project Pink Blog Day -- Wishing you a lovely weekend..
What a touching post... sending thoughts her way.
Mrs. P
Thanks for writing this. I am true believer that prayer changes things too. I will def send a prayer up for sunshine's friend.
I'll be keeping her in my thoughts for sure.
wow, that is heavy! but i am always in need of reminders like me to not sweat the small stuff. small things are important too, but it's good to keep things in perspective. great post!
I'm sending my thoughts to her. Though we may all know about inevitable things like death, it doesn't make it easier. We all want to make our imprint on the world and leave t knowing that w did what we could. My heart goes out to her and I hope that she finds peace.
Chic 'n Cheap Living
Great blog!
Follow each other :) ?? i'll wait your answer on my blog!
It is so scary to think about death and when someone says those words it sends chills through my body.
Thanks for sharing this post because it gives the greater perspective of life.
I have said a prayer for this person. Prayer changes things..........
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