I was planning some interesting and thoughtful provoking conversations
however i will wait until next week because
today begins my Birthday Celebration Week!
today begins my Birthday Celebration Week!
Actually, Wednesday is my actual birthday
however i thought i would celebrate the entire week on my blog.
however i thought i would celebrate the entire week on my blog.
There will be cake, candles, balloons, dancing, friends,
family, pancakes, love, laughter and of course giveaways!!!
family, pancakes, love, laughter and of course giveaways!!!
And many pictures from pinterest!
Hope you join me in the fun.
Today i begin with birthday traditions.
Today i begin with birthday traditions.
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In the Team Pancakes' household, there are a few requirements
traditions to celebrate a birthday!
First tradition, there has to be a birthday cake.
(you thought i was going to say pancakes right..pancakes are usually for breakfast)!
I love chocolate cakes so anything chocolate is ideal.
Mr. Pancakes got me the bestest oreo cake one year.
It was delicious.
It is not a birthday without cake.

Second tradition, candles!
It's important to have candles to blow because of course you have to make a wish.
You can never have too many candles.
Not like a bazillion candles but enough to make the cake look awesome
and the person to enjoy making their wish.
Third tradition, are balloons.
Ballons always make for a festive mood!
You are never too young to have balloons!
Final tradition, is of course sharing our birthday with loved ones (friends and family).
I have never been one to celebrate my birthday in a big way but i always like to do something small with a few special people. You have not celebrated a birthday
and another year God has blessed you without sharing it amongst friends.
There you have, the four requirements traditions for an awesome birthday at the Team Pancakes' household.
So friends, what do you require to celebrate your birthday?!
What are some of your birthday family traditions?
p.s: You have one more day before the end of the Thank You Giveaway!
Enter here.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY week :) xoxo
ahh birthday weeks are the best!! My best friend bought me this GIGANTIC balloon this year. Problem is, he brought it to a nice, outdoor restaurant. The wind kept blowing and the balloon kept smashing my now ex-b/f in the head. It was hilarious!
Have an amazing birthday week :)
Happy Birthday week!!!
Yay I'm glad we get to be apart of your birthday week. Happy Birthday Week! I can't wait for you to share more throughout the week.
Birthday traditions in my house include a themed party for my girls with our close family. It's all about celebrating them even on my birthday because they are my life!
Happy Birthday week to YOU!! I hope you have an extra special week. :)
Our birthday traditions are like yours! Time with family, friends and CAKE!!
Yay! Team Scorpio! I usually do all of the 4 on your list and I usually try to get a new outfit as well. Enjoy your week!
YAY for birthday weeks!!! Tradition in our house...ice cream cake...nom nom nom...and eating our favorite food for our birthday dinner!! Kind of makes me wish it was my birthday;)
Happy Birthday to you my dear, I pray you have a great week and a great blessed day, it truly is a special day because the Lord took time to create you.
happy birthday week!
I'm not a birthday cake person. All I require is to be with my loved ones. Enjoy your birthday week!!
happy birthday week! those are all requirements in my house too...minus except maybe the balloons! birthdays have always been a big deal in my family & I certainly intend to carry on that tradition!
Happy birthday week!! That cake looks SO yummy! On my birthday, I like to have dinner at whatever favorite restaurant I'm craving, along with a refreshing glass of wine. Then again, I like to do that anyway, birthday or not! :)
Happy Birthday week! CAKE is an absolutely must.
I actually also love traditional birthday cards, although people don't really send them much anymore.
How exciting! And celebrating with cake, candles, balloons... the works, is the only way to go.
Happy birthday week!!!!
Happy Birthday week to you...and MEEEE!!! My birthday is on Tuesday this week!
when i was growing up we did nothing to celebrate birthdays and because my birthday is 3 days before christmas it was almost like a reason not to celebrate my birthday. i never liked that feeling.
SO in my house, we always have a cake, we always sing Happy Birthday (our rendition), we always have candles, and if friends are around they can just come on by - the more the merrier. Everyone looks forward to their birthday!!!
Happy Birthday to you and many more!
Happy birthday lovely friend. That cake looks AMAZING.
Happy Birthday Week :)
I think it's a great idea to spend a whole week celebrating!
I'm going to do the same when my birthday rolls around again next year!
I like your birthday traditions! We haven't developed that many yet, but I definitely like to have candles on whatever dessert the birthday person chooses. And I always make my husband's favorite dinner :)
so fun! we don't have any birthday traditions exactly ... we just enjoy each other, go out to dinner or something, and i just thank God for another year .... i use to have to have cake, but now, not so much. i have to get back on that! your list makes me want to make traditions!
Aww Happy birthday week to you! We don't really have any traditions here...presents, haha!
Happy Birthday Week!!
Happy birthday week, sweetie! I celebrate my bday all month long so I get you :) xoxo
Now I wish it were my birthday all over again! Oreo cake?! I need to get some! NOW! Happy Birthday Week to you!
Happy happy birthday Cynthia!!! A birthday and Halloween all in one month! So fun. :)
~ Angela
I love your traditions! Balloons, Candles and Cake. I love that it's your birthday week!
happy birthday week! My birthday was yesterday :)
wow that cake looks amazing!!!! Hope you're having a fabulous birthday week
Happy Birthday week.
OMG @ the Oreo cake.
Happy belated birthday! :o)
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