I came across Tara of The Young Mommy Life and her published book:
Make it Happen, a Career Guide for Young Mothers when i initially started blogging.
However because i am not a mommy yet, i wasn't really that interested.
Until recently i started reading her story and realized she NOT only inspires mommies-young and old-but inspires women of all walks of life. After she completed the interview (it in record time regardless of how limited her time is), i was even more inspired by her honesty and her passion for life, family and her writing/career. She spoke about many things in her interview that resonated with me and i hope it does with you! Thank Tara for being so inspiring and i am so glad i reached out to you!

What's your name?
Tara J.
Where can we find you online?
When did you start The Young Mommy Life?
In May 2008, when I was six months preggers with my second kid. I was 22.
How old is your daughter now? What's the best thing about your daughter?
My daughter is about to turn five and my son has just turned 3.
The best thing about my kids is that they are so loveable.
They are lap kids (my son especially) and they give me so much love every day that it's amazing.
I hope they never change.
When did you know you had started something special with TYML?
When I first started, no one was reading it but me.
But then readers started to trickle in and it started to grow, slowly.
Then I started getting emails from readers, saying they loved the site and it filled a void for them.
That's when I thought, "Hmmm....I could really take this blog places..."
What's the best comment you have received from a reader of TYML?
Best comment EVER was on a post I did about going to school while your kids are young,
and not being afraid to pursue your dreams.
This reader (young and pregnant) commented that she was scared
about her future and she thought she was going to take a year off after having her baby.
But she really didn't want to. And then she read my post on the matter and said,
"You know, the world is no longer ending for me now."
That was so profound because I remember what it was like to feel
like your world was ending with the birth of your child. I remember it vividly.
So to be able to tell someone that they will get through this, and everything will be ok?
That made my whole year.
How did you translate your real-life career into your passion?
Or is it one and the same?
The only thing I know how to do is write. There is no back-up plan over here.
(Well, I do want to go to culinary school because I enjoy cooking, but writing is my first love.)
So I'm a writer. The question became, "What do I want to write about?"
After I got frustrated because there were no outlets for young mothers at the time, I began writing about my journey as a 20something mom. The irony is that I thought my writing career would be over because I got pregnant. HA!
When and why did you publish, "Make It Happen?"
I wrote Make It Happen after I got laid off last year from my PR job.
I had to do something to pay the bills and I thought,
"Why not show other young mothers how to take control of their career, like I'm doing?"
I wanted young mothers to hear that life is not over.
You can have a great career and a great family and you can do it on your own terms.
How do you make time for all your various roles (mother, wife, editor, media personality)?
I take things one day at a time. If it's a really busy day, I take things one hour at a time.
It's all about deciding on the priority of the day and then honoring that.
Since I'm self-employed, I have to make sure I set boundaries,
because I could literally work all night (and I have).
But then I'm dragging in the morning and my kids don't get the best Mom.
So being aware of how my actions in one area affect another area is how I make it work.
Of all your various roles, which one do you cherish the most? Which is the most challenging?
This might be somewhat controversial, but I think I cherish my role as a writer most.
Let me explain. Writing gives me the ability to deal with everything. It's like therapy.
If I have a bad day, I write about it.
If I'm happy, I write about it.
Writing allows me to process life in a way that makes me a much better person.
If I wasn't able to write, I'd be miserable.
Of all the things you've accomplished, what has been your best accomplishment?
Having my kids. Period.
Who or what inspires you on a daily basis?
My mom inspires me.
She's incredibly hardworking and she doesn't complain
and she's always looking out for me and my two sisters.
Where do you hope to take TYML?
I'm hoping to apply for nonprofit status in 2012.
We'll see how that goes ;) In the meantime, I hope to do some in-person meet-ups/conferences, more books, speaking engagements...the sky is the limit.
Do you like pancakes?
I do like pancakes. Love 'em, actually. Especially the fluffy kind.
What would you do on a longlazysunday?
Sleep, if possible. If not, then I'd be eating. :)
What advice do you have for someone that wants to live their life's purpose?
Start small. If they're not currently doing what they feel is their calling,
then start a small business on the side.
Build it up until you can take it over as your main job.
Keep the big picture in mind at all times
and have someone to turn to when life gets hard, because it will!
Some of my readers are future published writers, what advice do you have for other future writers?
Read as much as you can. Read, read, read. Write as much as you can.
Write, write, write. In today's publishing world,
you can take your career into your hands as long as you have a decent following.
Don't be afraid to take that leap!

Seriously isn't she the cutest mommy ever
and i am more inspired by her and her wise words now more than ever!
Thank you Tara...i am definitely taking the leap into my passion!
and i am more inspired by her and her wise words now more than ever!
Thank you Tara...i am definitely taking the leap into my passion!
Ladies, don't forget to visit her site and say hello
and or ask a question or two.
p.s: today is 11/11/11 (great wedding date huh?!)
and or ask a question or two.
p.s: today is 11/11/11 (great wedding date huh?!)
aw! sounds like a great blog.
Enter my Giveaway!
Interesting sis, thanks for sharing...
i need to check her out. i'm interested to see how mamas have careers and still make time for their little ones. i am trying to go back to work...
sounds like a great blog...especially for my current season of life!
Yay, I love learning about new blogs!
P.S. I'm hosting an awesome indobay giveaway for a $40 prize! Come check it out!
Great interview! And yes she is a very cute mommy! ;)
Cool! Definitely checking her out!
Great interview -- happy Friday!
Great interview! She sounds fabulous. Off to check out her site now :) xoxo
Great interview, off to check out her blog now :)
This was a great interview! I want to read the book now! I see it is available on Kindle, so I'm hoping it's available on the Nook as well. Thanks for sharing =)
We love Tara! glad you were inspired by her and did the interview. She really is a wonderful person to know.
I love it!!!! Good job Tara!!! You rock!!!
Tara is truly an inspiration! Definitely one to watch to do phenomenal things!
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