I wanted to ask this question because i think it's interesting
and also because i am inquisitive...and it has nothing to do with being a social worker.
Naturally i am just nosy!
So i wanted to know why do you blog?
I know there are MANY different reasons bloggers blog.
Blogland is a community like no other.
Sometimes i feel like i am part of a secret society...a good one of course.
Other times i feel as if i am in a high school and trying to find my clique...
you know what i mean...
There are bloggers for everything--
motherhood, giveways, fashion, fantasy, mental health, lifestyle, food, TTC, newlyweds--
there is a blog for everything and anything.
Sometimes i feel like i am trying to find where i belong...
but just like my years in high school...
i am all over the blogland and i LOVE it!
Sometiems blogland can be cruel because just like high school
there are nasty and mean people out there.
We all lead different lives: some are glamorous...others are not.
Some are honest in their blogs...some are not!
Some are hurting and share it with their readers...others like to keep it light and fun.
But at the end of the day, we all share our thoughts, feelings and lives with one another.
You may blog to get readership in order to get sponsors BUT if someone comments on your blog, please return the favor. It's only courteous to show courtesy to individuals that are helping to make you money!
But i digress...Today i am wondering why i blog?
I stumbled onto blogging during my wedding planning.
But the wedding is over and i am still blogging...why?
Do i fantasize about being a blogger fulltime?
Sure when work is getting on my nerves...i do but then reality hits and i realize that becoming a professional blogger is definitely NOT in the works right now.
But a girl can dream.
Who says i can't become the new mini-Oprah in blogland?
Or use my blog to help someone think differently
and or make changes in their lives in one small way?
But honestly i blog because i found another environment where people inspire me on a daily basis;
a place where i found my love for writing again...
a place i can come and just be...
happy, sad, controversial, spiritual, funny and free spirited.
I enjoy communicating and interacting with people from all walks of life.
I sincerely enjoy interacting with you on a daily basis!
There are real friendships that develop in blogland.
I blog because i have met some amazing and beautiful people that inspire me on a daily basis...I love sharing parts of my life with you...i want to see where this blog is going and how it's going to grow...and i wonder if my reasons for blogging will change over time?!
Not really sure where i wanted this post to go
aside from the fact that i was just wondering
why you blog?
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I'm new to blogging and I feel the same way.. why do I blog? I'm a young girl trying to find "me".. and while coming across yours and other blogs I feel like I'm almost there. Its helping me to express myself. I know others somewhat feel the same and so I'm not alone.
I so Love your blog and its influential to me while I go through this journey.
I blog primarily to document life with my husband...and secondly to keep family and friends updated who live far away. I, too, have been pleasantly surprised by the blog community and have made some real friends through the experience.
haha i just stole that cute image that says: keep calm and blog<3
well, i started blogging for two reasons: writing is my passion and since i was little i loved being creative! when i had to decide about what i was going to blog.. i chose fashion, why? because i love shopping and admire the artwork of clothing and beauty!
so, there you have it :)
ps. your blog is so interesting dear!
1.I love your writing style.
2. Love the Mrs.Pancakes bit being Mrs.HappySteak I trully find the name wonderful
3. The question at hand, Why do Blog? I think I will blog about it today and link it back to you. :)
I've asked myself this question many times and I always wonder why others blog as well. For me, I NEED a creative outlet and my blog is one of a number of outlets. If I could figure out how to blog as a job I would do that too, but for now it's just a hobby.
I don't blog to be an inspiriation, I just document my life and I like to be able to go back over old posts. If others find commonality, value or interest in my blog, I love that!!
I started blogging because as a SAHM I felt having something to do everyday would bring fun to my life and it has. I had no idea how awesome blogland is until I landed here. Now I blog because its fun.
I feel like I have friends everywhere with different goals and views. I appreciate reading blogs that make me step out of my comfort zone and see things differently than from where I normally would.
I blog because its fun, and therapeutic.I like to see the changes in myself. I've only been blogging a year and I have changed so much. I like how you can always visualize your blog growing, kind of like our progress as people.
I have yet to come across any meanies in blogland but I know they exist. Being the person I am I am likely to let it roll off my back but I try to show love. I know I haven't commented over here like I should, but I've been reading from the beginning. Now things are settling down a bit with my kids and their activities you will be seeing more of me!
I started blogging a LONG time ago. I have moved three times in the blogging land (three different blogs) and have settled into where I am now - and I think I'll stay there for man years to come.
Blogging has given me the opportunity to "meet" so many amazing people (and some not so amazing that have chosen to be judgmental and horrible - but you take the bad with the good right?)
I blog because I love having a place on the internet that's all mine. I blog because I love the support, the camaraderie that comes with blogging. I live in a very very small town and I don't have a huge circle of friends here. I feel like the friendships that I've made through blogging are more honest and more sincere (y'all know some of my darkest secrets!) than my IRL friendships.
Anyway, sorry for going on and on but I just LOVE blogging. I love all of the people that I have met and I hope I'm blogging or many years to come!!
My blog is my online journal. Its become a way to keep sane to rant about school, talk about TTCing and share my life. Its helped me connect with like minded individuals and opened up my mind to different points of views.
I blog because I am journalist, unemployed unfortunately, and I find blog good way to keep practicing.. I love to write, simply as that :)
I blog as my creative outlet! Plus I've always loved reading blogs so now I'm having fun having my own :)
I blog simply as a diary of my life...sometimes that's serious life changing principles I've learned at church, and other times it's documenting just the simple times in life.
I don't blog for the followers or the comments (though these are nice benefits). I really just want to have a way to look back on our life and to see how far I've come.
I started blogging as a bride-to-be, and it changed my life, giving way to a whole new career path though the wonderful people I met and passions I discovered. I had the opportunity to be a professional blogger as editor of the Weddzilla Blog, as well as a contributor to other sites, and I loved it. I've had to scale back a bit due to grad school, but I'd love to take another position as a pro blogger or online editor if and when the right opportunity comes along.
I blog because I love the relationships I've built from it and I love being able to document my life.
I started to blog because it is an outlet for me. Since I was a young girl writing was a way for me to express myself, but I never shared my writing with anyone unless it was a letter to them. Sometimes my words on paper speak better than when I say them out loud. So I guess it is my outlet, my release. And as you know the topics vary, but it is me.
Hopefully something in this response made some sense. lol
I love your blog and how truly genuine you are. I love reading your posts. Which brings me to why I blog. I started blogging because I was longing for relationships with people. In my job I was moved to Houston knowing no one here and not given the time to make friends (I work about 18 hours a day, everyday). I needed a way to interact with people and not just books, journals, and writing. I selfishly needed to talk to people and find encouragement. It didn’t take long at all. I have been blessed, encouraged, & comforted by my bloggy friends. So yep, that was several years ago and I’m still here in blog land too. I feel like I have found a second family and truly cherish my friendships established through blogland.
I blog for a few reasons...
It's a creative outlet, I love that I've met several really sweet people through it, it's a great way to document things and share ideas with people, AND I am NOSEY!! ;)
I blog for a few reasons. The main one is so my kids can have a detailed record of their lives. Having kids destroys your memory and I would hate for them to ask me something in 20 years and me not remember.
Another reason is sometimes it's easy to keep everything inside and stew. I've always been a writer and being able to express myself in writing helps with that; although I try to not let it affect my posts.
I started blogging because I'm from L.A. and all my extended family lives there. I now live on a farm in the middle of Northeast Montana. I blog to show them pictures of my life,tell them how certain things on a farm happen, and just share my VERY different life with them!
Blogging has many hats for me, it is an online journal, creative outlet and a way for my family and friends to keep up with my life!
I blog as my creative outlet. I blog because as a new-ish mom I wanted to find people who were feeling some of the same things and going through some of the same things. I blog because I write for a living for other people and my blog is for me - no restrictions - just me.
I love this!!! I always wonder this, especially this past month since my life has been so crazy and hectic baby-wise. I blog to have a creative outlet, catharsis and connect with other women on issues that are similar or to learn and open my mind to something new!
I started to blog simply for myself. I was going through somethings and I know writing helps me express myself. A Single Mother's Journey shows my journey through growth and change including the good and bad. I wasn't sure who was going to read it and I really didn't even think about anyones reaction to it. Thankfully people enjoy my blog and is touched by some of the things I say or just by who I am. That in itself is inspiring to me and the support I've received through blogging is very therapeutic.
I started blogging because I was bored with what was going on with my life. I wanted something to do that was a little more creative and a place to collect things I love and my inspiration. I love the community feel of blogging and the wonderful people who blog.
I started blogging over 2 1/2 years ago while wedding planning as well. My blog was originally titled The Alternative Bride. Clever, right? LOL
I continued to blog for a creative outlet and also to keep up the relationships with the many fabulous women I've met. I truly treasure them all. I had no idea when I started my blog that it would turn into such a fantastic support system and that I would develop such friendships over the internet. The wonderful thing is that I've met quite a few of these women in person and they are as lovely in real life as I had imagined. And I find that I have even more in common with a lot of them then I do with some of my other friends. I guess we share common interests.
It's something I can't ever imagine giving up :) xoxo
I started blogging for a different reason altogether but I continue because of all the friends I've made. There are so many amazing women out there and I have so much to learn from all of you. I blog because I've made some truly wonderful friends <3
I started to talk about my disability retirement but then it evolved into blabbing about everything. I LOVE it. I didn't think I would but I love all the wonderful women I've met, the friends I've made and the things I've learned. I enjoy telling stories, and I'll admit, I love reading people's reactions/comments to them. I'm one of those honest bloggers, I'm not a rainbows and butterflies every day kind of person, and as you see, I show the real, sometimes bad side of me.
I'm glad I got into blogging, it really helps me get my thoughts out, when I need it most.
Emily w/Amazing Grapes
this has definitely been on the minds of a lot of bloggers lately. why DO we blog? i think the number one answer is to capture our memories. we always initially blog for ourselves. i think sometimes it can be to easy to get caught up in the hoopla of networking. but we must always keep that aspect in the back of our minds, we must remember the memories!
xo TJ
I thought about posing this very question. I started blogging for fun in 2007. I was looking for a house and in the midst of it, I saw a lot of wretched houses and neighborhoods. So, I took a spin from House Hunters and started blogging from there. It was a niche blog and kinda funny. It's listed in my archives because I've now merged all of my blogs in one.
I blog because I like to formulate my feelings into word form. Its like a open diary that I can reflect on in the future. I thought I had a niche but I don't I want to talk about everything and anything :) I think it's okay that we don't have a particular clique, but I consider ALL awesome bloggers my clique :)
This is a great question and I, like you, love the blog community!! I started out blogging for our family while wedding planning. However, blogging has turned in to soooo much more than that for me. I feel a sense of excitement and obligation to my blogger friends to post something fun, interesting, and most importantly reflective of me!
I have been thinking about the same thing recently. I started blogging in April of this year. A lot of my friends encouraged me to do something with fashion but lately I've been wondering. It's very competitive and like you said there are a lot of cliques. I've seen it in some of the fashion blogs I visit.
I blog because I use the space to share my thoughts and ideas. Kinda of a diary for myself. I like to share with others and I like to hear others thoughts and ideas are as well.
I guess I mostly blog because it's fun to keep track of things and meet new people. And luckily I haven't met anyone mean or high school - y on here, just awesome people! :)
My mom is a professor of social work. That just caught my eye. I blog for socialization and to meet other fab ladies from other countries. I love learning new, different and unique things.
The main reason that I blog is to share with friends and family who I live far away from. Makes me feel good to share my life in more than a few characters (like on facebook).
I started to blog to keep my sanity in the journey towards motherhood. I wanted answers to the many question running through my head and the best way for me was starting my blog. The second year of my blogging experience is coming closer each week. I still question and getting feedback is always the best feeling ever.
Blogging is like a secret diary with a real voice.
This is an excellent question! I have actually asked myself this question recently. When I first began blogging, it was strictly to keep my friends an family updated on all of our comings and goings and to document all of the super-fun things we do. I have always been a big scrapbooker, so blogging took the place of that. But then, like you, I discovered this "secret society" of bloggers. I have begun to get to know many of you and now I'm addicted to reading my favorite blogs! I now use my blog as a creative and social outlet, as well a journal of our life.
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