According to Phil, the groundhog from Pennsylavania, predicted an early spring.
One of the Canadian groundhog's, Wiarton Willie predicted an early Spring.
Or like me do you just go along with it because it's something they talked about since elementary school?
I use to be totally into groundhog day because that was all I knew from elementary school. I was crushed to find out that it was a myth when I got older. Now, I tend to believe it when the groundhog predicts early spring and of course I say the hog is wrong when he predicts more winter!
i just go along with it ... it was something fun to think about when i was younger. hehe, now i wonder how he saw his shadow because there is no sun! ;)
I think it's a fun thing to do, but I'm not so sure I really believe it :) LOL Happy Groundhog Day :)
I might have missed the celebration had I not tuned into your blog! Phew! Spring is on its way :-)
I believe in the Janine Day predictions...cause its my birthday! Hahaha. But if I must comment on the Ground Hog its supposed to be 6 more weeks of winter according to what I saw this morning on tv.
I certainly don't necessarily believe it, but it's a fun tradition anyway! Of course this year we've had a crazy warm winter, so 6 more weeks of winter in the US doesn't sound so scary!
Eh, it's kind of fun to play along but who knows? However I can see it being an early spring what with the weird winter we've had!
Happy Groundhog Day! I definitely don't believe the predictions, but it's a fun tradition to play along with. Might as well have fun, you know? :)
I just go with whatever they say. ;) lol
I was born and raised in AZ so Groundhog's day is not something we were ever really concerned with since we pretty much only have 1 season (summer). Now that I am in OH I find myself hoping that little fuzz bucket predicts LESS winter. LOL!
With Class & Sass,
I go along with it... I have to check my state! I live in New England and we get all of the seasons.
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I just go along..but am excited this year because I really want it to be summer again LOL.
Hunni....it is 80 degrees here in Florida....Phil don't know nothing bout my town, LOL.
I just go with it!
I live in Texas...enuff said. Winter...what winter? One day it's 40 degrees and the next it's 68 degress. The weather here is insane!
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