Regardless of how amazing someone is at their craft...
I have to remember that no one is perfect...
And I cannot worship any human being....
Because sometimes when I do...
they are likely to try and fulfill that prophecy and it may not be good for them in the long run.
I am also reminded what happens in the dark will always find the light.
I am reminded that sometimes we have to fall in order to get back up...stronger and better.
I am reminded that life is too short to live a lie.
I am reminded the truth shall set you free.
I am reminded that Oprah is one fine journalist...
I am reminded LA is one handsome man.
I am reminded that Live Strong is a great organization.
I am reminded that athletes cannot be considered performance machines.
I am reminded that his children will have to deal with his fall from grace for a long time.
I am reminded that he will deal with his fall from grace for a long time.
I am reminded that time heals all wounds...regardless of how big or small.
Now you...
Question of the Day:
Does the Lance Armstrong debacle/story remind you of anything?
People lie because it sounds better and then one small lie turns into a big one. People have a need to be recognized but at what cost I don't know. Money plays a huge roll in things and I don't know if this was the case but money talks mess walks.
Completely agree with everything you said.
Also reminds me how God is full of forgiveness even when we as sinners do not wish to forgive.
Great post. It reminds me about the importance of accepting your limitations and loving yourself as you are, without the need to pretend to be something more. It also reminds me that the pressure our culture places on every individual to be a "winner" and be "successful" can cause people to make mistakes both big and small that they will live to regret.
It does. It reminds me that in everything, give thanks to GOD not man. That is the one thing I never heard him acknowledge.
It reminds me that I would rather be loved for what I am...than be loved for what I am not.
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