Good Morning BlogWorld...
I am beside myself this morning because
Baby Pancakes did not sleep well and neither did I.
And I think it's all due to teething...
And aside from giving him his teether....I do not know what else to do...
Please Please Please Moms out there....HELP!!!!
I feel so helpless because my usually easygoing Baby is not himself...
He is crying whenever he wakes up and it hurts to see him going through this milestone...
And although I am excited for also hurts him which is just not fair...
Talk about growing pains...literally right now...
Please if you've been through it or know someone that has....
PLEASE HELP with tips, suggestions, ideas....
at this point I will take anything even free mid-morning crying baby Nanny!!
A Cranky Baby A Happy Mommy Does Not Make!!!
Thanks Friends...

My nephews great grandmother tied a dime around both of their necks at 5-6 months. Just a regular dime with a hole in it on a thin string. We never had a problem with teething. It's an old wise tale but it worked. Ask a really old person and they will be able to steer you in the right direction lol.
I've heard great things about the baltic amber teething necklaces and just put one in my Amazon cart for my baby boy. Might be worth checking out... :-)
First let me say hang in there! It's not the best thing in the world but both of you can do it- remember it's temporary and this too shall pass.
I never tried it but I heard wonderful things about the amber necklace. I never had the opportunity to try it but I heard from several mamas that it does work. There are also tons of OWT that might be work checking out. I wish I could share with you my experiences but my little guy handled it like a trooper and for that I am really grateful!
Ive heard of the Amber necklaces too (and Ive heard great things about them)...but with Emma (she's still teething) I used the cold rag for her to chew on, and popsicles! She like the cold feeling on those gums!
I've heard about the Amber necklaces as well but have yet to try them with Elyse. And as much as we hate to give Elyse medication, we try to give her some Infant Ibuprofen before bed and it seems to calm her down.
So sorry, hugs your way. We've never had issues with teething so I have no word of wisdom or advice, I just hope that it goes by fast and baby pancakes is back to his normal self soon.
I know I'm late but just catching up on posts after being away! I heard of the amber necklaces but never tried them when Nia was teething. Instead I gave her Hylands tablets which seemed to work. She also loved gnawing on her Sophie giraffe.
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