Happy Friday Friends!!!
This new trend in photography is hilarious..
i am sure we have a few of our own or have been part of someone else's picture.
Apparently it happens a lot at weddings.
Photo Bomb...when someone gets into your pictures knowingly/unknowingly!!
Either way it makes for some awesome Friday Funnies...
Watch out next time when you are saying "Cheese!!!"...
someone might be in the background doing these:

Makes me want to go examine my wedding pictures for any photo bomb incidences.
Enjoy your Friday and Weekend!!!
This is just too funny. I am too scared to look back at my wedding pics for fear of what I might find :-).
love some of the photobombs I've seen on the Internet...that last one you posted is hilarious!
hehehe these crack me up! I love it when one of our dogs steals the show of a picture of us lol
Oh my gosh! These are hilarious!
Love the one with the Meerkat! So funny!
OMG to the last one!
My husband LOVE LOVES LOVES to photo bomb!
i love this friday funnies entry. too funny!!!
hahaha that sloth/meerket? picture
haha gotta love photobombing. one pic of mine comes to mind, I was out with friends and my bf a few years ago at a pub, and we tooks a few group shots. when we looked at the pics some random guy wearing a neon green Mohawk wig had photobombed our pics making the craziest faces. it was hilarious!
I personally love being a photo bomber lol! I have also had some photo's bombed, and it's funny the number of people you can meet this way.
BWAHAHAHA This is amazing.
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