And now i look at Baby Pancakes and I am amazed that I have an 8-month old who is growing, babbling, follows directions most of the time, standing and trying to walk (he has take a few steps). I am amazed at how quickly time flies and I think i may miss the newborn phase. But more than anything i am thinking about Baby Pancakes' having a sibling.
I can see him playing with his brother or sister. Mr. Pancakes is an only child and I had a whole bunch of brothers and sisters which made growing up a whole lot of fun and i don't want him to miss out on all that fun. I watch my niece and nephew together and I love how they love and care and fight and argue with each other. As much as they fight, they love even more.
I had a lot of time on my hands those few hours. Then Baby Pancakes' came home and he was crawling around, standing and trying to touch and pull everything down, and for a brief moment...I thought I was crazy to want another one like him. But then he cuddles with me, gives me one of his smiles and he melts me. And i think another one almost like him will be such a blessing.
I keep on thinking and talking about it with Mr. Pancakes...and he may be on board. After all, the best part of having Baby Pancakes #2 is the trying!!!
We will probably wait until Baby Pancakes is one before we finally make our decision. But in the meantime i am trying to get back into some kind of shape, eating properly and just enjoying time with my family.
In the meantime...i will remember when i was pregnant with Baby Pancakes...woohoo i was big!!!

Question of the Day:
When did you start thinking of Baby #2?
Do you randomly think about having babies?
Girl I started thinking about baby #2 when my SIL was still pregnant, LOL!! It's normal to be thinking about it right now and when BP is 1 is a good time to start trying so they will be almost 2 yrs apart a good distance! I have a friend that has a 2yo just had baby #2 and is pg with #3! baby 2 and 3 will be 13 months apart! :-O My Mom had 4 kids (don't know how our parents did it girl!) and technically if/when we try again that would make #4 for us too but not all raised together! Doing it in 2's is a lot of fun though, that's for sure! Best of luck with your decision, can't wait for your post about BP #2 being on the way! :)
Lol...I KNOW I want to have more kids. I am one of 6 and hubby is 1 of 2. However, I am NOT thinking about them anytime soon. Initially, we said we'd start trying around her first birthday. But now, we are thinking perhaps we'll wait a little longer. Not sure yet. I think I want to give myself a chance to get back into shape and also just to enjoy being me again.
How exciting! :)
I've been thinking about it more and more. I just need to get with the program and pop out my first soon!
I am done having children but there was a huge gap between my first and second because we were still trying to find ourselves within our marriage and I knew adding more children would only complicate things.
We knew that it would be obvious when the time was right to expand our family. At times my desire was not in line with the opportune time but God answered our prayers and one day in January of 2009 we made a plan and said in August we would start trying and we did and conceived on the first try. Faith and timing is everything!
I loved being pregnant. The first two weeks after birth though, I didn't think I'd ever want another child. A lot of that was because of the baby blues. But now? My son is 10 weeks old and I would love another baby. My husband, however, is completely against the idea. I'm ok with that too, because one was a miracle and I won't be greedy :)
Before I had Pookah, I was certain I would have at least 2. Now...... Not so much. I'm about 90% sure we won't have another. But some days, I have baby fever!!!! Lol. I'll revisit it in the fall. We'll see....
I know logically it's time for baby #2 but emotionally I'm still waiting for the urge. My 2 1/2 year old asks for a sibling all.the.time, but we'll see . . .
I randomly thinking about having baby #2 that happens when i see new babies and siblings playing together :)
We didn't plan our second child, I was shocked to find out I was pregnant again. However, I do have to say that the timing ended up being perfect. They are 22 months apart and we haven't experienced any jealousy from my two year old and she is a great big sister. It also isn't too hard to manage both kids. I love it! I'm so glad it worked out and that my second baby came along when he did.
I wish you the best in your endeavors to add to your stack of pancakes! :-)
Oh my! I'm pregnant with number one and can't even imagine number two yet! :)
Can't wait for Baby Pancakes #2!!!
Girl, my baby is only 8 months and I am already thinking about baby #3 here. it's insane. We are not ready at all. We are waiting until #2 is 1 then it's game on.
My babies are exactly 2 years apart and I think that is an excellent gap.
My thing is, once I started having babies, I didn't want to stop until I was done. Waiting to give me a break, sure, but just waiting forever and a day, nah, not for us.
Good luck with your decision. Maybe we'll do your #2 and my #3 together again :).
Awwww the beautiful baby bump...
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