Getting to Know Mom Series Day 20: Describe your relationships with your parents.
I have a healthy and fun relationship with my mother, your grandmother, my Ma. i didn't grow up with my mother so we have never had the closest relationship but as I've older and she has moved closer to me...our relation has progressed. We speak to each other almost everyday and I can joke around with her. She can be critical at times but that's just in her nature to be this way. Most parents are critical anyway. I am respectful to her. And i have never met anyone that was more determined and strong minded. And she is a praying woman which is a wonderful thing to be around. She says she was never this way however she has become a praying woman which tells me that no matter how old you are always growing and developing yourself. I love to bits because she truly is someone that I am blessed to know. As a woman, she is a wife, she was a mom, she is dedicated and a friend, she is loyal. And it is a blessing to know her.
My father died when I was younger so my relationship with him has been through family members including my mother and older siblings. I believe if he had been alive...i would be "daddy's girl" and i would totally have him wrapped around my finger and of course i would use it for good:-) I really believe i missed not having him around but truth be told....i continue to have a relationship with him where i do speak with him and i feel like he is ever present in my life.
I would have loved to be around my parents as a couple because i think i could have learned a lot from their relationship, because even though i don't have a strong memory of them as a couple, from what i have heard, my mother was very much his helpmate and they were partners in crime, which is exactly the type of relationship Mr. Pancakes and I have.
Lesson from Day 21: Cherish your relationship with your parents because it is the one relationship that sets the foundation for all other relationships.
P.S: Baby Pancakes will be completing his first week of swimming lessons....we are learning to blow bubbles, kick, climb out of the pool, go under water and just have fun in the water. He is soooo cute in his swim trunks. And he appears to love the water!\

Awww, Swimming lessons sound like so much fun!
It's funny how our relationship with our parents informs our relationship with your own children. I bet Baby Pancakes is a natural in the water. I need swimming lessons for myself!
So I have been missing out in the blog community. Decided to catch up on some of my favorite blogs. I LOVE this getting to know your mom things. I may have to steal these and do them for my girls. How many questions/days are there total?
I need to take my kids swimming I have been so lazy this summer I don't wanna do nothing
What a beautiful lesson, so true and a beautiful post.
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