I know i am not a mom yet and so i have no basis for this one...but really are these necessary?

Sorry, the proper term is Child Safety Harness...but nevertheless,
are they really necessary?

Really lady...maybe with triplets...it's acceptable? but really?

Celebrities do it in style...

My favourite celeb couple, Brangelina on the other hand...do not use safety harnesses!

No...instead they use the hand holding chain method!
Pretty humane and safe i think!

Maybe i am totally off base because i have yet to have children i want to keep safe!
Or maybe i just have too much on my hands because i can't watch television!
I cannot stand those baby leashes. I do not see the point of them at all. Unless you are in a SUUUUPER crowded area where a stroller cannot be or you can't wear your child someway/somehow I say leave the dog leash at home! Ugh!! Poor kids. And I am a mom of 3!!
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I had to giggle at the lady with the triplets. Reminds me of a may pole, Hah! But no, really...that's ridiculous. If this is an acceptable way to control your child then some adults need muzzles!
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By the way, I love that picture of the doggy leash! :o)
For Love of Cupcakes
No. I think this is totally humiliating for the child! AND for the parent! That's what a stroller is for lol. And if they are too big for a stroller, then they are big enough to understand to hold Mommy's hand. I have never and will never do this to my child lol.
Although I think these things are horrible truth is some parents can't control their children. I guess they would have to know their children better than anybody else to feel the need to harness them in such fashion.
As a mother of 3...absolutely NOT!
I'm not a mum (yet but fingers crossed) do I don't really know...but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't do this to myself or my kids!
I'm not sure how I feel about this either. Hmmm...I guess I can see why parents do it but it just feels wrong to me! I don't have children yet either so maybe I'll feel differently later.
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My mom had three kids under seven at the same time and she never had to use a leash - why? Because we knew that we had to do what she said and not act out in public or we'd be in TROUBLE. ;) If parents were more disciplined with their children, they'd be able to control them. Or..at least that's my no-child opinion.
I was at the Mall of America a few weeks ago and some woman had her kid on one of these and she YANKED him back from a toy display. YANKED. I had to hold myself back from saying something to her.
These just seem absolutely wrong. When did we start treating our children like animals?
I never had one of these for my son, I just kept him in his stroller all the time. LOL
Now he has to hold my hand.
I don't like seeing them, but if a parent can't keep track of their child then they have to do what they have to do.....as long as it is safe.
You will find motherhood will make you do some strange things, just wait. ;)
I love the pics with the 3 kids. Funny!
hahaha! I've been told by several of my mommy friends that I will be disowned as a friend if I use these!
I don't think its terrible.
I doubt I would ever use one but I don't think its a bad thing. If you need your hands free, I can see a mom paying a bill at a register and putting the loop around her wrist and the child not being able to wander off or have someone snatch the child either. That's a prime situation where hand holding isn't condusive for digging in your purse or other times when you need your hands. And also with these the kids have a sense of freedom as well, so I'm not totally against them, but I will admit they look a bit strange.
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I totally get not wanting your kid snatched but there just seems to be something so wrong about kid leashes. That it might save a kid and give a parent peace of mind without hurting the kid makes me say they are all good but I think I'd be embarassed to use one!
I have no intention of using one of these for my son. Stroller or hold Mommy's hand!
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These always make me laugh. I guess I see the point in them (it can get really annoying to chase after your kid time and time again) but at the same time I feel like it could leave room for error...you may assume your child is close and doesn't need watching because he's on a leash...but someone could so cut that thing and run off with your kid.
I know it looks wrong...but i'm not going to judge. Now that i'm a mom, i can see why some mothers will use it. My son can never sit still and i know once he starts walking he will wander all over the place! So something like this will be perfect at the airport or somewhere else really busy where you don't have a free hand. I would never yank on the leash though...i would just use it as a safety product when needed in busy places. That's just my opinion. :P
so funny! i dont get the whole leash thing either. not my thing..i dont have kids but it wont be my thing. GO Brangelina! :)
Haha I had to be put on a leash (yes, like a dog lol!) as a toddler. My brother was in a stroller and we were shopping once when I ran away from my mom and straight toward an elevator. Luckily someone grabbed me before my toes were ripped off. After that my mom was paranoid and put me on one haha.
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I am not a mom either but if I were I would NOT use the child harness. Maybe it works for others but I just feel a harness is for an animal. But to each its own! great post
this is so funny!!! if my children are anything like me or my husband, i imagine we'll want a baby harness :)
I don't object to them in theory, as I understand why some parents choose to use them. My son is still always in his stroller, but he has tons of energy. Not sure if I would use one at some point, but I might.
Hey !
I had never seen these kid leashes before. I think they look weird, especially the lady with the triplets
I have three kids - and they were 1,3, & 4 and I NEVER used a leash. They irritate me actually!!!
I would never use it and my mom who had 3 young ones each 2 years apart never had to and they're all still safe and alive today. They relegate a child to "pet" status. Ughhh.
hahahah I LOVE this post! omg, I ALWAYS said that those baby leashes were HORRIBLE and that no parent should ever put their child in one, UNTIL I had my 2 year old at the airpot BY MYSELF, with a 2 hours layover. After that? TOTAL fan of baby leashes. haha!!
oh, and is your last name REALLY pancake? Cause my cousins last name is butterworth ha!
LOLs @Raven...i would be totally freaked out too if my baby got lost in the airport...i hear the part about crowded places like airports..but still looks like an animal with the leash on!
No my last name is Mrs. Pancakes but i do enjoy pancakes! love the butterworth name!
My daughter is 10 months so right now no, not necessary. But have you ever seen a kid run? They are fast little suckers. I think they are necessary depending on the situation. You are in a big city like new york. WHo wants to loose their kid? You post is funny though. The pictures cracked me up!
I can see both sides of this debate. Ideally children shouldn't need these, but we don't know every family's situation and these should be an option.
Chic 'n Cheap Living
It all depends on the kid, honest. When my cousin was around this size, she had trouble where her shoulders popped right out of their sockets over something as simple as changing clothes. It was only for about 6 months. But it made hand-holding out of the question during that time, and you can't always confine a kid to a stroller, there are places that's just not realistic. So while it may seem inhumane to some to use the leash, its far preferable to making your kid scream for wrenching their arm out of its socket for the third time that day.
I personally hope it is never necessary for my kids, but if it keeps them safe and theres a reaspn for it, I hope not to get flamed for it by people who don't know i have a reason and i'm not being lazy. Just my two cents.
LOL - but they look so cute in those leashes ... like walking a dog, right?!?! LOL!
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Interesting post! As a mom of 6, I'll add that although I never used one of these, it would have been quite handy many times. Yes, they look strange, but keep little ones safe while allowing them to walk and explore. Toddlers can disappear in seconds - I'd rather be judged for having my child on a "leash" than for being the parent of a kidnapped child.
It's like this... I don't think that anyone should actually USE the leash b/c that just seems animalistic (is that even a word)? It just seems wrong. But I cannot TELL you how many times I have been out in public and my child keeps running away and I have thought to myself "If only I had a damn leash..."
I am against these types of things..I believe people who uses them are weak parents they just don't want to watch and keep an eye on their own children.. Children are not animals and should not be treated like one..
I agree with Adrianne, Good Girl Gone Green and Spilled Milkshake. I had one, but only used it once in an airport. Some kids, no matter how much you discipline them, are just difficult, stubborn kids and whatever keeps them safe is good. You never know what some moms might have to go through every single day. So, I try not to judge.
I think these leashes are a little much! Especially if you only have one child with you. I can see that they would come in handy when you're traveling though, trying to juggle luggage and a carry on and a child through the airport could be tricky!
I'm really not a fan of these! I'm not a mom yet though so I know I shouldn't judge. Maybe for moms of multiples but I really don't see why you can't just hold your child's hand??
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These are silly. There are other ways than this.
I find the leashes unsettling. I do not like the idea too. Nonetheless, i really like the post.
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Lioness- Your Newest Follower
I used these at an airport when I had 3 under 2. My husband was folding up the stroller to gate check and had I a baby strapped to be in an ergo carrier and the twins on the leashes. We were a sight!
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um no baby leashes are no appropriate i don't care how rowdy the child is they don't belong on a leash leashes are for dogs! ugh please moms take your children off of a leash
OMG, OMG, OMG... I was thinking about this yesterday and today (I didn't see your post until now) I told a friend that I don't like the idea of a child on a leash because it makes babies look like dogs! Come on, why not go old school and hold your child's hand as human. Why a leash?
I love Brangelina, kudo!
This is an interesting post. I read over come of the comments and I agree with Spilled Milkshake. Yes it looks crazy and before having kids I thought the same way but one of the scariest feelings as a mom is to have your child disappear from sight and you not know where they are. I had no problems with my oldest but my youngest will get away in a minute and I too often remember the feeling of panic when I didn't know where she went. I'm even like that at home. Some of the comments make it seem like the people who use leashes are bad parents but sometimes it's best to be safe than sorry. I know there has been times when I was thinking I needed one. It's not for show but for safety reason and with so many children "disappearing" I wouldn't judge the mothers who do choose to use one. Not to forget it must also be considered the special needs of the child and realize that not every child is the same. It doesn’t mean that a parent can’t control their child if they take extra precautions to ensure their safety. That’s just my opinion.
Your post title is super funny! And you picked super funny pictures to go along with it. HILARIOUS!!!! I've never used it, but I could see the point in 'em -- parents not wanting to loose their kids and all. Especially if their toddlers let go of their hands and run away. Personally, I just strap my 3-year-old in his stroller and call it a day. No negotiation. And no baby leashes.
As a mom of 2 kids 15 months apart. I totally USED this! And I am NOT ashamed. I really feel we shouldn't care what other moms do. What is right for some mom's might not be for others. To each their own.
When I was pregnant with my second, I had horrible hip pain. I had a previous hip injury from a car accident, and pregnancy enhanced the pain. I could barely walk. No way could I chase after my newly 1 year old (who had been walking since 8months!).
So for his safety and my sanity I used one. He loved it. He loved the freedom he wouldn't have got otherwise.
Love your blog. And love the title!
I can't stand those damn leashes. Makes the child look like an animal trying to break free! I for sure won't be using these when I have kids. We go everywhere with out dogs. Could you imagine? Leashes on the dogs and on the kids.....my word!
Totally agree with you - they are so so ridiculous! You have a child, not a dog!!
Hahaha my litle brother had one when he was a toddler. His nickname was 'Mr Grabbyhands' and he frequently ran off and hid and hand-holding only made him whine and try to get away. Hence, the leash. Lol being the kind big sister I am, I often volunteered to hold him :) I'm a new follower by the way
I used ot hate them befoe I had a child. Now my daughter is 16 months old and it takes her exactly 2 seconds to run infront of the car on the parking lot so I am seriously thinking of buying one. Especially since I had another baby so watching both at the same time is not very easy and people make mistakes. That is one mistake I don't want to regret. I'll think about it a month more but I am deffinetely leaning towards getting one
I'm not sure how I feel about this either. Hmmm...I guess I can see why parents do it but it just feels wrong to me! I don't have children yet either so maybe I'll feel differently later. By the way, thanks so much for the comment on my blog. I couldn't reply back to you through email though because it says the reply to address is noreply-comment@blogger.com. I think you can change this through your profile if you're interested in doing so. Hope you're having a good week so far :)
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