Monday, September 19, 2011

Life Insurance Quote

When i was getting my thyroid surgery...Mr. Pancakes and i talked about whether we should get insurance.  We debated back and forth.  Mr. Pancakes felt that it was necessary.   I felt it was.  We researched the pros and cons of life insurance and came to a conclusion.  We decided to get term life insurance.  We liked the idea of making payments for a certain amount of time.

In the end, we found that AptusInsurance gave us a great life insurance quote.  They were uber helpful in finding the right information.  It gave us all the necessary information we needed.   And we made a decision that was right for us.  We were also able to receive a life insurance quote that met with our financial needs.

AptusInsurance has what they call Insurance Information Institute, which provides with all sorts of information.  This was also very helpful.

It's a great thing that Team Pancakes is prepared for the next time something unforseen comes along. Hopefully not, but's always good to be prepared!


Kim said...

That's such a smart and necessary decision.

Brown English Muffin said...

Did you guys look into a VUL basically it's the same as term except you get something back before you die...

Rod and Alex - aka: "Rolex" said...

Thanks for the info! It's strange, because life insurance is something you don't want to think about...but we really should.