I've been watching the news since yesterday about Hurricane Sandy
and they have all sorts of monikers for it including the perfect storm...
I am not sure how you can refer to something
so devastating as perfect but i am sure there is a meteorology association to it i don't understand. Nevertheless, Sandy has been anything but perfect for many in the Northeast.

We are praying for all those that were affected in such big ways.
NYC, New Jersey, Queens, Brooklyn especially...
seeing all the devastation is so sad.
I can only remind myself that again God is in the midst because it could have been much worse.
I can't even imagine experiencing the snowstorms in
West Virginia, flood, the fires, trees falling down & wires coming down.

All I can do is pray for those that are affected today.
This morning, my family and i are safe.
My friends and extended family are safe.
We are never promised tomorrow but today i am glad we are here.
Another thing, there is a lot going on BUT don't forget to get out and vote...
I feel like when a country faces devastation is when government is most useful.
And when Leaders are tested and made.
This post is meant to send prayers and encouragement to those affected by the storm
but also to encourage others to exercise their civil duty and vote!

Glad you and family are safe! So sad but far from a perfect storm.
glad you are safe. my little brother is alone on the east coast in the naval academy. everyday i check to see if he is safe. so far so good.
stay safe and warm
I voted! It's so devastating seeing that all happen-it makes our blizzards we have here seem like no big deal :( Lots of prayers for everyone's safety.
I'm glad you and your family are safe. I have a lot of relatives that live in Maryland. Fortunately, all looks well for them and they didn't lose power. But I know a lot are without and dealing with the cold and the aftermath of the storm. I feel for them.. after surviving Katrina, my heart aches for anyone where Mother Nature comes down hard.
Well said, girl!!! About Sandy AND voting.
We made it through OK here in the DC area, but I am so devastated to hear about those in New York and New Jersey who weren't as fortunate. Weather disasters like this always remind me how powerless we are against nature!
It's just crazy what is happening in the Northeast. I am glad to hear you and your family are safe. You're right...we are never promised tomorrow, but should be grateful for today.
Wise words.
I'm in Philadephia and we had some wind damage and our power went out, but thankfully that was the worst of it. Heartbreaking to see the pictures of Jersey and NYC.
I am glad that you and the family are safe!!
Love this post...thanking God that things weren't worse than they were but also sad for the loss of lives and properties. We were in its path but only lost power for about 18-hours.
Early voting was canceled but I'll make another go at it tomorrow.
Yes, the news will do anything to exaggerate a story and make it more sensational. You are right, perfect doesn't fit the circumstances at all.
Glad you all are safe. This storm hit hard I saw some sharks in the water around houses and I was like whoa dere. My hubs has voted but i have not gotten my stuff in the mail yet I hope it hurry up and comes.
Sandy was not playing. Glad all of you are okay.
It is so sad and scary to see what Sandy's doing. And I agree, it's times like these that government can be the most useful... if run the right way. Voting is SO important.
omg.... i hope people stayed safe!
I think they call it "perfect" because all the meteorological conditions came together in just the right fashion to make it a devastating storm. I am feeling so blessed that we didn't lose power or have any damage.
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