Since Baby Pancakes is here...
I've been thinking of some fun Christmas traditions Team Pancakes can start.
This year we will be spending Christmas with my family
which is just awesome because I have't done that in a few years.
We usually spend it with Mr. Pancake's family so this year is truly special.
Another tradition we are starting are ornaments...
Baby Pancakes' godmother got him the cutest first Christmas ornament.
And we cannot wait to put it on my family's Christmas tree.
We usually always attend a Church service on Christmas morning so that will continue.
But the best and fun Christmas tradition I could think of are Christmas Pajamas for the whole family.
This is one of the cheesiest but best ideas out there.
What do you think?
Would you wear them...are you already wearing them?

ahh, i love Christmas traditions. i hope that we will be able to do a few more when we have children. we don't do the actual pajamas tradition now but it def. sounds like something fun to do when you have kiddos :)
Growing up we'd get Christmas PJs but not the entire family matching! I know my husband would never go for it. For now just me and my 2 year old daughter get Christmas PJs. Usually something from Old Navy for me and from Carter's for my daughter. I'm all about traditions!
Hmmm......I don't know if I would do that but I guess you shouldn't knock it to you try it.
My mom use to dress us up in the same outfit for the Holidays and the same sleeping clothes I want to do it with my kids but on Christmas we always get up and make breakfast
yes i love this!!!!!! i cant wait to have kids! haha
What a cute tradition!!!! I may have to try this one year. We have an ornament tradition that we started when we first got married and this year we let our boys pick out an ornament. It was Buzz Lightyear, one of their favorite toys of the year. Okay, well actually they picked out a car but we knew they wouldn't treat the car as an ornament because it looked just like one of their hotwheels....
My boys have an obsession with cars, trains & airplanes.
we do Christmas pj's for the kids. Isn't it great to be able to start family traditions! So fun!
What a cool christmas tradition. Hubs would never agree to thi tho. Lol
OMG it's like you are in my head. I just ordered the second set of pajama for my entire family (it's called snowman or something like that). I want to do matching Christmas pajamas every year until the kids tell me they hate it.
I love Christmas traditions and I am definitely establishing some around our house.
This sounds like such a fun tradition. I just might start it with my family!
The matching family PJs look cute! It's totally something I would like to do, but I know my hubby and he would not be a fan. lol. Maybe matching PJs for my little girl and her future sibling(s) could work.
LOVE Christmas pj's....but I think next year we're going to buy them and open them at the beginning of December so we can wear them all month long!
commenting from my phone is the worst! I thought I said this a while ago but- I do wear some type of festive Christmas attire every year but I'm loving the Christmas PJ's. *runs off to find some*
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