So we are 7 weeks away from meeting Baby Pancakes.
Someone please pinch me...i can't believe we are so close...
God is amazing!
The fact that he has taken this little Pancake embryo
and grown it into an almost 4lbs human...
I can't even phantom but it's happening.
God is sooo good!
One of the things i have been wondering about as Baby Pancakes' due date arrives is:
Who Will He Resemble?
The genetic it all works is pretty terrific!!
Did you know that: DNA is shuffled randomly from one generation to the next?
It amazes me how the combination of our genes
have come together to create this little human.
And which parts of our features and personalities he will inherit
as a result of our genes combining...
is all mind boggling to me if you think about it.
I am a firm believer that we are all products of genetics and our environment.
Nature vs. Nurture...more like Nature & Nurture!
Lately, i have taken note of how kids resemble their parents,
not only in their features but their mannerisms...
have you ever seen parents and their kids together?
This weekend, i noticed how many similarities my mom
and i shared including features but our personalities...
we are both task oriented and inquisitive to a fault!
Additionally, she spoke about her experiences when she was pregnant
and how she shares similarities.
The genetics game is that deep y'all!
I found this neat table if you are ever wondering the origins of Character Traits:
Specific Language (entirely)
Specific Religion (entirely)
Specific culture (entirely)
Sensitivity to environment-based stresses like radiation (mostly environmental)
Certain multifactorial diseases like heart disease
Blood group (entirely)
Eye color (entirely)
Hair Color (entirely)
Certain genetic diseases, such as Huntingdon's (entirely)
Baldness (mostly genetic)
(all information from: The Pregnancy Body Book--Dr. Sarah Brewer)
The above chart is pretty interesting and has me wondering about Baby Pancakes
and what he is going to inherit from our genes?
I know nature will play into the type of little man he becomes.
But i thought it would be fun to think about his features
and personality in relation to our own...
First of all, i hope he is a healthy little guy.
And then i hope Mr. Pancakes' dominate height gene and my dominate height gene
(if i have one, i am 5'2) come together to help him grow tall.
I hope he has a nice physical build (Mr. Pancakes' has an athletic build).
I hope he gets his father's dimples and smile.
But then i have a pretty nice smile too.
I hope he gets my ears because it's nicely shaped.
I hope he inherits both of our intelligence and compassion for people.
I hope he inherits my spirit for adventure and his father's no-fear attitude.
I hope he develops a God-loving heart and willingness to learn about God!
I hope above all his genetic code and make-up is infused with love, laughter and kindness!!!
I know he will inherit his daddy's baldness and that's great:-)
But then again...what ever patterns of genes inheritance Baby Pancakes inherits...
he will be loved and loved and loved and loved...all over all the time!!
33 Weeks! |