Sunday, April 21, 2013

Longlazysunday: Week 24

This has been one of those weekends I could use a re-do because I feel like it's ending too quickly. I need one more day before I have to go back to work. I feel like we didn't do much but do a lot of running around. I can't wait when Baby Pancakes is old enough that weekends are all about doing activities with him! Nowadays I just drag him along to all the errands I have to run. Today was spent doing laundry and getting the house clean...sometimes I feel like we are a family of 10 instead of 3. Anyway I'm trying to make the most of this longlazysunday even though it's anything but lazy! Favorite moment of today was picking up some fresh fruits from our local market...I'm currently obsessed with avocados...yummy!!! Hope your Sunday is long and lazy!!

1 comment:

Theodora Ofosuhima said...

I love boxes of fruit. Hope you enjoy it :)