Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Random Question...

Where you excited when you found out you were on someone's BlogRoll?
I just randomly found out someone had put me on their blogroll and that made me smile!  As a social worker, i wanted to analyze the reasons for my happiness and excitement but i didn't allow myself to go there...i just smiled!
Were you excited when you found out you were on someone's blogroll?

Mrs. Pancakes


Alicia said...

Haha... that IS exciting! Embrace it, hun!

K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy said...

Yes, I was!! It felt like being accepted into a private club. LOL

Sunshine - www.cancersurvivor26.blogger.com said...

I was so ecited!

Beautifully Forgiven, Kortney said...

Girl!! I was so excited when I ran across my button on someone's sidebar! Woohoo! It's fun and I remember thinking I guess all this hard work is paying off! LOL

I'm stopping by to say "hi" and to follow from the Super Stalker Sunday Hop! Thanks so much for linking up with us! Be sure to come back this weekend and link up again! :)

Hop you are having a great week!

Anonymous said...

LOL! That's cute. As strange as it is, I wasn't excited. However, I do find it weird and slightly irritating when I'm NOT on the blogroll of bloggers that I've developed a relationship with. **shrugs**

Kelly @Indiana Inker said...

Hello! Now following you through GFC. Hope you'll stop by, look around and say "Hi".

Have a great weekend,

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Jessica said...

Ha! Yes I was excited the first time I saw that.